Chapter 9

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Rosalie and Emmett moved through the forest silently both lost in their angry thoughts.

Emmett was pissed that once again Edward was going to ruin everything good in their family just like he always did. He could never understand why they continued to put up with him. The last few decades even Esme was losing her patience with him and that woman was a saint. She was also one of the only people Edward would listen to and who knew how much longer that would last.

Rosalie on the other hand was furious because she didn't get to finish ripping Edward apart and had to stop at just one arm. She understood why she was stopped but that didn't mean she had to like it. If she knew she would have had so little time with the bastard she would have went straight for the head and not wasted time on punching.

She knew she would have another chance because he was to much of an asshole to admit he was wrong and let it go. That just meant she would be better prepared next time. Her parents would be upset if she killed him so maybe she would just rip off both of his arms and hide them somewhere no one could find them. Surely they would understand him being disarmed (pun intended she thought to herself with a smile) was better than him being dead.

"I can't believe I feel the need to hunt again after going this morning. That bastard has pushed me to far this time. He better get himself together or I don't think even Esme will want to save him." Rosalie said.

Emmett agreed "I wish I could just have one minute with that asshat. I would make him feel what it really felt like to live a dammed existence!"

Emmett was in the mood to fight a bear so Rosalie went toward the area she went to that morning. As she finally picked up the trail of a mountain lion an unfamiliar scent caught her attention. It wasn't any kind of animal she had ever come across but it smelt heavenly. As she started to detour to follow the new scent she came upon a mountain lion.

She crouched into an attack position and just as she jumped towards the creature she was hit around her middle by something large and white. Her instincts kicked in and she tried to push away from the creature to get in a better position to defend herself but she was having a hard time even moving it off her.

When she was finally able to scramble backwards to get her footing she stopped when she saw the largest tiger she had ever seen. It shouted a mighty roar in her direction causing her to stumble.

It was when she got her balance that she finally got a good look at the beautiful creature. In front of her stood a very big white tiger with dark black stripes that stood out perfectly against the white fur.

But the eyes were what really caught her attention. They were gorgeous. One a lilac and the other blue,these eyes were familiar. And as they locked on to hers the tiger paused almost looking confused.

It was during this pause that Emmett came barreling out of the woods attacking the tiger by trying to wrap his arms around it. Instinct kicked in and Rosalie moved to attack Emmett to get him off of her mate. Because as soon as she saw the tiger's eyes she knew it was Bella.

Emmett's pain filled scream had her reevaluating the situation and when she got closer she noticed Emmett's leg hanging from Bella's mouth. Rosalie actually laughed out loud at Emmett's predicament which caused everyone to stop in place and look at her.

"What the hell Rosalie?Why aren't you helping me? This tiger was trying to kill you and now it's trying to kill me and you're laughing?" Emmett screamed in confusion.

Bella simply spit out the leg and growled at Emmett causing him to jump and scramble backwards. Rosalie noticed that after the initial confrontation Bella stopped her aggression towards her and only acted when Emmett attacked her. That gave her hope that maybe Bella was feeling some kind of mate bond towards her.

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