Chapter 10

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Alice was in the living room of the Cullen's home reading a copy Vogue while Jasper was watching a documentary on the civil war adding comments every now and then when he became upset when the facts presented were false. That was how they were spending their time while babysitting Edward who was up on the third floor in his room with the door open listening to classical music ranting to himself about all the wrongs the family had done to him.

Even with the calming emotions Jasper was sending her way Alice was anything but calm. Edward was a loose cannon and no one knew exactly what he would do to prove Bella was a threat. He was so stuck on being right that he refused to listen to any sort of reason. It was getting to the point that Alice was even starting to hate him and she had very little hate in her heart.

With her not being able to see Bella's future Alice was unable to see how Edward's schemes would play out. And he had many. The problem was he wasn't even trying to be quiet about them either. It was like he had started to slip so far into madness that he truly believed he needed to kill Bella to save the family. That was not going to happen. It was almost to the point that the entire family had started to try and figure out ways to stop him to the point of having to kill him to get him to reel in his obsession.

Alice was worried about her best friend because she couldn't see how she could protect Bella from not only Edward but from anything bad. It was causing her to be extremely distressed as she realized that Bella being human made her that much more fragile and she could lose her at anytime and there was nothing Alice could do to prevent it.

They needed to turn Bella into a vampire. It was the only way to keep her safe. It would be the only way Alice could relax knowing Bella could take care of herself. That caused a whole new list of problems. The biggest being Rosalie. She hated being a vampire and felt her choice was taken away from her. She probably wouldn't want Bella turned even if she would have eternity with her mate. It was up to Alice to figure out how to change her mind and make her see that Bella was worth it.

It was in the middle of Alice's planning that something that surprisingly sounded like a tiger roaring made its way through the house. The entire family except Rosalie and Emmett ran to the front lawn looking towards the forest.

"Was that a tiger's roar?"Esme asked the group.

"It sounded like it was but there aren't wild tigers in this region of the world. How odd." Carlisle said.

"Should we be worried about Rosalie and Emmett out there Alice?" Jasper asked. Causing them all to look towards Alice.

"I don't know I can't see them." Alice said.

"What do you mean you can't see them?! This is the second time today this has happened! What use are you if your gift has stopped working?!" Edward demanded.

Jasper grabbed him by the throat so fast Edward didn't even have time to even react to the initial thought and defend himself.

"You will watch your god damn mouth right this instant and from now or I won't be stopping either myself or anyone else from ripping you to pieces." Jasper's quiet voice added another level of danger to the threat.

"Not seeing them could just mean the shifters are in the area. It doesn't have to mean they are in danger. They could be in the area closet to the reservation where I can't see anybody." Alice replied. She decided to let Jasper have his moment with Edward because they both deserved it. Jasper to let go of his control for a few seconds and Edward to hopefully get a wake up call to the state of the family's feelings for him.

"We have yet to hear another roar or any other sound that would be associated with any type of tiger to it may as well have been some prank with speakers we heard. I do admit it was really convincing. I wonder how they went about recording it." Carlisle added thoughtfully.

"Do you think we should go and check on them just in case?" Esme asked eying Edward warily as Jasper finally released him.

"Let's give them a few minutes before we split up and look."Carlisle told her.

"Please like I would need to be watched like a child." Edward hissed at Carlisle.

"Emmett is coming, but not Rosalie."Jasper said causing them all to look in the direction of the woods in confusion.

It was only when Emmett ran up to them with a large smile on his face and mirth in is eyes that they all relaxed.

"Emmett what happened to your pants!" Alice cried in dismay at the torn clothing. "I thought we talked about being careful when hunting so you didn't wreck your clothes."

Emmett laughed. "I had a run in with a tiger and it tore my leg off. I was lucky she gave it back and didn't eat it."

"This is unbelievable a shifter, she's a shifter!" Edward yelled storming off.

"Who's a shifter?" Carlisle said with a frown watching Emmett flip off Edward as he walked away.

"Bella Bear is a shifter. Well she's not a bear she's a tiger but I'm still going to call her Bella Bear because calling her Bella tiger just sounds stupid." They all stared at Emmett with wide eyes taking in the news he just shared.

It was Alice that was the first one to get her bearings. "A shifter of course! That's why I can't see her. But why didn't any of us smell her? She didn't give off any kind of wet animal smell like most shifters do."

"She actually smells really nice. I wasn't bothered by it at all."Emmett said.

"Now that is really interesting." Carlisle mumbled." What does her tiger look like?" He was feeling a little bit of jealousy that he hadn't been the one to see her in the woods instead of Emmett although he was quite happy he hadn't gotten his leg ripped off.

"She's huge! And white and her eyes are the same but they like glow. She's sooooooo cool!" Emmett gushed. It was obvious he was already very taken with Bella.

"Where is Rosalie?" Esme asked sounding concerned.

"Well Rosalie invited Bella to come over and talk to all of us, but Bella has never been around vampires before,not that it would matter I mean she could take on all of us at once and come out with barely a scratch, so she wasn't comfortable coming. So instead she invited Rosalie and myself over to her house to talk but Rosalie wouldn't let me go with her because she wanted Bella bear all to herself."Emmett was still upset he didn't get to go.

"That's not fair! I want to talk to Bella! How come Rosalie is the only one that gets to go?!" Alice said offended at being left out.

"I don't know I wanted to go too. I mean yeah I get that she's her mate and whatever but we should all get a chance to talk to Bella she's part of the family now and it's not right for Rosalie to call dibs on her already!" Emmett agreed.

"Alright before you two get ahead of yourselves"Esme interjected. "First of all Bella is not yet comfortable around vampires, so you two storming over there is not a good idea so put it out of your minds right now." Emmett and Alice looked at the ground realizing they had been caught mid plan. "Secondly Bella is Rosalie's mate. That means she gets dibs, as you call it, on Bella because they need to get to know each other better. So I don't want you two hounding Rosalie about Bella. When she is more comfortable we will all meet her but until then we will keep our distance" She shot Alice and Emmett meaningful looks " and Rosalie will let us know when it's ok to approach her mate."

Mutters of" Yes mom" were heard as Esme took Carlisle's hand walking him towards the house leaving Emmett, Alice and Jasper alone. Emmett nodded his head towards the woods and ran off with Alice and Jasper following only stopping when they were out of vampire hearing range.

"Ok now that the parents are gone how do we go about talking to Bella without pissing off Rosalie?"Emmett asked, causing Alice to break out in a big smile.

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