Chapter 100

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"When I said to get us presents, I didn't mean to get us people." Alice said from the steps of the Cullen's front porch as Bella, Rosalie, Bree and Diego made their way out of the car. Rosalie had made the drive within less time it had taken them to get to Seattle , having run red lights and breaking every speed limit.

"Not now Alice."Bella snapped causing Alice to go wide eyed. "Is everyone here?"

"Uh, yeah." Alice stammered."They are all all in the living room."

"Good." Bella said leading the five of them into the living room to be greeted by a nervous group that consisted of The Cullens, Peter, Charlotte, Victoria, Sam and Sue Clearwater.

Bella waved them off as they all stood when she entered. "Everyone take a seat, we have much to discuss and little time to plan. Rosalie if you would."

"Of course Bella. This is Bree and Diego." Rosalie motioned at the two newcomers." We found them in Seattle. A vampire named Riley changed them and they were put into Jame's newborn army."

"Do you know this Riley?" Bella asked Victoria as she took the seat Jasper offered in the chair at the front of the room.

"Yes, he was made soon after Edward came to us." Victoria told them."James knew with my gift it would be hard for me to be around the newborns, so he made Riley so that he could make and lead the army."

Rosalie motioned for Carlisle and Esme to move off the love seat for Bree and Diego to sit down. That way they could keep an eye on them easier. "Have you met a vampire named Edward?"

Bree nodded. "Yes, well no, I have seen him and heard him talk but I've never spoken to him."

"You've seen my son?" Carlisle asked. Bella cut him a sharp look. "I apologize. Please continue."

"Before I saw him, I overheard Riley and James talking about a vampire who could read minds. They would test each new vampire for powers by making us do really random shit. The first time I saw him was a few days ago. He was yelling at James. Going on and on about not having enough vampires join the cause and everyone being cowards. It was like he was hyped up on drugs. I walked in on him once talking to himself. He just kept saying different versions of how dare she take what's mine.That's when Diego and I starting making our plan to leave. No way were we following some crazy guy to our deaths." Bree told them.

"Did any of the vampires he turned have any powers?" Bella asked.

"No and that was another thing that Edward guy was pissed about. Apparently he couldn't find any allies who wanted to go against something called the Volturi." Diego said.

Bella felt the eye of the room on her as she thought through all the information." Here's what we are going to do. First Carlise I want you to call the Denali and tell them Laurent needs to be killed or contained, so he can not run to James and offer help in this fight."

Carlise pulled out his phone. "Of course Bella."

Bella turned to Diego and Bree. "I promised you my protection and that you didn't have to join this fight. So you are free to go or you can stay and the Cullens can teach you a better way to live as a vampire."

"What do you mean?" Diego asked.

"Esme would you take Bree and Diego to your office and tell them more about the way you live?" Bella motioned for Peter." Peter will come with you and give them his own take on being a vampire."

Peter nodded his understanding."Of course white tiger."

Hearing the door to Esme's office close Emmett asked. "Why did you send them away when we are making our plan? Don't we need everyone?"

"We don't know much about the two or if they are telling the truth, so they need to not be involved with this fight." Rosalie told him."Also we don't know how they would feel about fighting against vampires they may consider friends. It is safer for all of us if they stay out of this fight. What do you have planned Bella?"

"Based on the information Victoria gave us about where they used to be and the location of the farm Bree told us I am inclined to believe that is where they are. I think we need to move fast, especially if Edward is there now. I need someone to research the farm and see if we can get a map of the grounds and any blueprints to buildings." Bella said.

Alice raised her hand."I can do that."

Carlise came into the room with a grim smile on his face. "The Denali's seem happy to be able to deal with Laurent. Tanya told me Kate would handle it personally. I don't want to image how she will do it, but I doubt we will be hearing from Laurent ever again."

"Good." Victoria said.

"Yes, it is. Now for the rest of us. We will break up into groups to surround the farm and then close in on all of them. Jasper you know all of our fighting abilities best,what do you think the groups should be?" Bella asked.

"Including the wolves." Bella shook her head and Jasper reconsidered for a minute."Ok well I would put Alice with Rosalie, Emmett and Charlotte, Myself and Esme, Carlise with Peter and you with Victoria. That is if Victoria is fighting."

Bella turned to Victoria. "This is my fight and I will not force you to be involved, but if you want you can stay with the wolves. I know your gift would make you uncomfortable the entire time and I don't want you to put yourself through something painful."

"No, I'll go." Victoria said with conviction. "I want to make sure James dies and I don't have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life."

"What would you have us do white tiger?" Sam asked.

"I would like for you to bring some of your more older experienced wolves with us to act as a buffer. If any of the vampires get away I want you to stop them. I know you would all like to go , but we don't know Edwards exact plan and I want to make sure your lands are safe." Bella told him.

"Of course white tiger." Sam stood up. "We will go talk to the council and meet you back here in a half an hour."

"Perfect. Now the rest off us need to get ready so everyone go change and do whatever you need to do and we will all meet out front in a half an hour." Bella told them.

Rosalie grabbed Bella's hand and led them to her room. When the door closed behind them Rosalie pushed Bella up against it and kissed her passionately. "I don't want us to separate during the fight. I want to be with you."

Bella pulled Rosalie into a hug. "I know sweetheart but it's the best way to make sure everyone is safe."

Rosalie groaned. "I know but I'm going to worry about you the whole time. I can't protect you if I'm not with you."

"You will be with me. I'll be in tiger form and you can check in and make sure everything is fine as much as you want. You won't be alone. With me you are never alone. We do this together."

"Together?" Rosalie asked.

"Together." Bella promised

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