Chapter 4. His dominance

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Thirty minutes have gone since we had a stranger-kind argument. We halted in front of the abandoned building made out of concrete and brick as if it were left after decades of destruction. I scrutinized it with curiosity. The outside was sheathed in graffiti, making me wonder if there was a gang inside that made this place their home base.

We stepped out of the car, allowing me to inspect further the surroundings. There were two doors from a building on the left side that didn't match the other door on the right, which was slightly ajar, revealing a staircase going up and down to unknown destinations, and there were no windows on any of its walls.

But why Courtney would be coming here?

I didn't notice him staring at me until he cleared his throat. "Watch your step when we enter the building. Just ignore whatever you see. Understand?"

Baffled by his words, I crumpled one of my brows. "Why? And what kind of place is this?"

"Quit asking." He stepped forward, his mesmerizing gaze never leaving mine. "You initiated coming with me. Now, better stay hushed and listen to every damn word I say."

"Okay." I respired and didn't ask anything further, though my question still lingered in my mind. He then signaled me to follow him. So, I did.

We made a beeline directly to the right door and walked in. Only darkness greeted our eyes. My curiosity grew as we strode in silence, and the more my flat shoes grazed the surface beneath, the more I felt dread. It only lasted for a transient moment because the light of a bulb flicked on, exposing the interior. The view completely stupefied me. There are six men in black suits and bow ties sitting in a semi-circle around a long table where different champagne bottles lined the edges. Judging by the way they looked at us, they were surprised.

I turned to look at Courtney, hushed and bewildered. He didn't say a word. Instead, he motioned me to move beside him, and so I did.

"Who is she?" One of the men queried. He looked at me with the utmost contempt, like an ant under their microscope, as he examined every inch of me.

"For the first time, you brought an enticing lady, Sir."

"A floozy," The other man clarified as if he knew me well. "But she looks like a virgin. Are you, girl?"

They laughed after the man with brown hair articulated those filthy words.

Even though their words were gibberish to me, I have to admit they were stupid for stating those nonsensical accusations.

I was stunned when Courtney took his gun and shot at the guy who accused me of being a "floozy." Not once did he falter from his stance. The bullet hit its target in his right arm.

"Shit!" the man yelled, holding his injured arm.

"Know where to shut your mouth. She's not a whore." His gun remained steady in his hand, eyes flaming in fury this time. "One more insult or touch, and I won't hesitate to shoot your brains out if you try.

"I'm just kidding, Sir... I'm sorry."

"Confessing you meant it or not makes no matter either way." He ambled forward and stopped from a distance.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Please... I didn't mean it," He desperately begged, trying to show sincerity amidst his current pain.

"That shit better be true. You know that I have no heart for doing this." His eyes seethed even more as if he would kill him at any moment. "I loathe those people who can't abide by my decree."

His presence was so intimidating. From that moment, I knew he was not just an ordinary man or even a powerful being but someone who could make others bow down and give him what he desired. He was the kind of man with power and dominance, which I could sense by just standing here.

The other men didn't show any sign of contradiction to his statement. They stayed, agreeing to every word he enunciated.

"A-Again, I'm sorry, Sir. It's not really my intention to make fun of her," Uttered the injured man, still in agony.

"Apologize now." His voice wasn't loud, but the command was evident in its intensity. None of his men dared to speak. They knew what would ensue if they flouted his orders; the upshot would be catastrophic.

The man gave him the most abject bow I've ever seen and said, "I'm sorry. Promise, I won't do it again." He glanced at Courtney with so much sincerity, then at me. "I'll let him decide my fate if I ever make a mistake again. Please give me a chance, Ms..."

"Adeleine." I smiled slightly. "It's fine." As much as possible, I don't want to be the cause of unnecessary conflict.

"You're off the hook," Courtney commented, then put down his gun. I felt relieved after that; at least no one ended up lifeless because of me. I couldn't afford to witness such an unfortunate death.

"All of you except Oliver, finalize your task before the rest come back."

"Copy that, Sir," They said in unison, then bowed their heads in reverence.

"We'll keep you apprised of any developments," One of them said.

They started moving out of the room in quick succession, except for Oliver, who was now standing before Courtney and awaiting instruction. "Yes, Sir?"

"Please guide her to the guest room and give her everything she needs. You know what to do."

"Copy that, Sir." He bowed his head, and that made me feel nervous.

I don't condone his decision. I hate men, and it is frankly hard to trust them. It may sound stupid, but Courtney was the only man I trust now.

Before I could say no, Courtney pulled my waist to the other side, giving me a stern look but with a hint of care. "You've been fidgeting for about twenty minutes. Now, I need you to calm down and stop overthinking 'cause you're safe. And when I say it, I mean it."

His words made me feel an unfamiliar and unbecoming bizarre sensation despite its cold tone, very genuine that I found myself trusting him without objection.

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