Chapter 16. Mystery

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I am sitting in the corner of the room, watching the scene unfold before me. Courtney has been punishing a guy for seventeen minutes straight. The poor guy hunched over in a corner on his knees as he tried to escape from his. He’s sweating like crazy, shaking even more than normal, and tears swell down both cheeks like a child. His glasses are askew on his nose. There was a blood stain that stretched from his forehead down his neck. It dripped off his chin onto his shirt, pooling beneath his arms. I should have felt sympathy for him, but I’m just enjoying myself watching, knowing that Courtney was doing it for a profound reason.

“God damn you for soiling your uniforms! You’re such a piece of shit!” Courtney’s face twisted with aversion as he continued his tirade against the guy, repeatedly kicking out with his foot. The guy was breathing hard, his chest puffing up now and again, but no words came out of his mouth. He just stared at him with so much pain and hatred.

It wasn’t long until the guy spoke, his eyes never leaving Courtney. “You should thank me for choosing this way.” The guy sneered despite the fact he was struggling to breathe.

“I should be the one saying that, idiot,” Courtney replied venomously as he moved his face closer to the guy. His voice wasn’t loud, but it had an air of dominance. “I gave you home, but you gave me treachery. Now you’re telling me I should be thankful?”

The guy didn’t respond. He was breathing heavily until Courtney grabbed his collar roughly. “Have you forgotten what you did three years ago? You murdered Angelina White because you found out she betrayed you. You know her father won’t stop until you pay for it.” He pushed him roughly, causing him to collapse to the floor, groaning in pain. Courtney slowly took a few steps toward him. A cold, menacing glint shone out of his eyes as he looked at the guy sprawled across the concrete tiles and then halted before him. “To save you from barbarity, I said I’ll dispatch you myself. But I didn’t.” He took the gun from his belt and aimed it directly at the guy’s head. “Don’t forget how I got you out of the situation. You’d be in a lousy grave now if it were up to me.”

Courtney pulled the trigger, unleashing two piercing bullets that found their mark on the guy’s right leg. Blood immediately gushed from his wound before he fell limp to the ground. He didn’t stop there because he began beating him mercilessly in a different way. All the guy did in retaliation was to curl into himself and scream.

A disquieting question lingered in my mind as I witnessed this ruthless display. Could Courtney ever turn such brutal wrath upon me? Would he be capable of inflicting such punishment upon me if I ever incurred his ire, or perhaps, something even more sinister? The gnawing apprehension in my gut tightened its grip as I pondered these thoughts.

I continued watching the scene unfold in front of me until Courtney finally stopped beating the guy, taking in deep breaths and trying to calm himself down. I had no idea what this guy had done to upset Courtney, but I knew that whatever it was, it must be bad enough to make Courtney want to beat the living daylights out of him.

Now I’m wondering why his men kept betraying him like this when he was able to command them well.

“The only thing that I want is the truth. You better die if you can’t give it to me!” Courtney yelled, pulling me out of my reverie. I glanced at him. He was now pointing the gun at the guy’s head once more. The scene held me completely paralyzed. It was so intense that I couldn’t take my eyes off the scene.

“P-Please, stop!” The guy begged, panting heavily. “The truth is... they threatened the life of my daughter if I refused to cooperate.And I have no choice...” The guy trailed off as he began sobbing hysterically, trying desperately to regain control over himself. Courtney looked taken aback for a moment as he paused. “And now my baby girl is missing... please don’t kill me. My... my daughter badly needs me.”

“Don’t fucking use your daughter as an excuse for this shit you made. You know what I want to hear. Now, say it!”

“Dark Phoenix Association.” He sighed, looking straight at Courtney. “That’s the name of their organization. Sylvester Powell is the one who wants to bring down the entire Sierra Calle Corporation… and he wants you dead.”

Those revelations made Courtney pause again as he stared back at him with pure rage. Sierra Calle Corporation is the name of Courtney’s organization, one of the prominent organizations composed of different mighty people with strong reputations and powerful ties to various organizations. Knowing another organization wanted to wreck them made me tense, though I’m not a big part of them.

My mind was so busy thinking about the possibilities until I heard the door slam open, followed by footsteps. I looked around and realized Courtney was gone, which meant he was the one who walked out.

I was about to follow him, but the two men from the right corner blocked my way, their faces hidden behind the shades of their dark sunglasses.

“Please don’t follow him, Ms. Adeleine. This is not the right time to entertain Sir Courtney,” The tall man said, surprising me.

“But why? I mean... I can do that anytime I want,” I responded, confused at why they were stopping me.

They shook their heads solemnly. “It’s hard to explain now, Ms. Adeleine. But the upshot would be too much for us to handle alone if we let you follow him.”

His words baffled me even more, and my brain struggled to figure it out. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

“Ms. Adeleine, I know it’s confusing, but you have to trust us for now. You need to wait until he calms down. Or else, you might see something that will upset you.”

My heart pounded anxiously at the very mention of something upsetting me. Every fiber of my being yearned to demand further explanation and delve deeper, yet I hesitated, choosing to keep my inquiries unspoken. I figured it’s best to stay hushed. At that moment, my mind was reeling from all the information, and the dread I was feeling threatened to consume me whole.

I glanced at the door and imagined what he could be hiding. Those words I heard from his men sounded like a warning— a mystery I needed answers to because it felt like I was missing something big. Something I should be aware of.

Without further ado, I nodded in silence until they insisted on sending me back to my room.

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