Chapter 20. The main target

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Easton guided me through the bustling crowd, and I made sure every step I took was perfectly measured and graceful. But despite my calm demeanor, I frankly felt uneasy as my eyes scanned the sea of people that flowed past us on either side. Not to mention how his hand wrapped against my waist. I hate it!

Hoping to see Courtney, I subtly shifted my gaze, delicately scanning the surroundings discreetly, mindful not to attract any unwanted attention, particularly from this man.

Behave! I tell myself repeatedly.

Upon arriving at the VIP room entrance, he graciously swung the door open, offering me the courtesy of entering ahead of him. Stepping into the room, I found myself enveloped in a space far more expansive than I had anticipated. I scanned the surroundings, searching for any hint of lurking threat, yet finding none as of yet. Only the three imposing suitcases were positioned neatly against the wall, and a stack of papers scattered atop the table.

"Make yourself comfortable." He walked toward the bedside table where a bottle of champagne awaited, its cork ready to pop. With a flick of his wrist, he poured a generous amount into a crystal glass and extended it towards me. "Many ladies prefer this drink. Try it."

I immediately accepted it and drank some liquid, grimacing at the taste. The taste was good, though. It had a bitter taste, just not too much. After finishing what was left of the glass, I returned it to him. "Thank you." 

He didn't respond; instead, he gave a creepy smile. But I managed to put up a facade and smiled back. 

"So, Savannah. If I heard it correctly, David White invited you here. I believed he has reason for tagging you out here tonight."

I swallowed hard while facing his back, keeping a polite demeanor despite my hands clenching tightly by my sides. I had to remember all the details about David White that Courtney disclosed to me so I could continue conversing with Easton.

"I have to be honest with you, Mr. Easton. I insist on coming with him, so it's actually my idea. My birthday is next month, and I'm looking for a perfect place to celebrate," I said without any stutter, even though I felt something twisting inside me. "Also, to meet new people. I guess it's a right choice to come here." I smiled sexily. "With you. Though I heard you're a playboy."

He laughed, but he also gave me the creeps. "So you really think I'm a player?"

I shrugged. "What can I say? Your looks can fool most girls."

He shook his head with a grin until it slowly dropped. I expected a more casual conversation, but his following words startled me. "You're lying."

"I'm sorry?" 

He took a few steps, and his eyes turned vicious glares. I gulped when I realized he was getting closer to me. 

"Eyes can deceive most people, Savannah. That's what happens when they look into them long enough. I've done research into your eyes. So, tell me. Who are you?"


My mouth became dry, and my heartbeat increased as I tried to figure out how this conversation would turn out. The way he deciphered my motives with just a few words spoke volumes about his power. His ominous gaze conveyed the truth that he didn't believe me even without saying it directly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Easton. But I don't understand. What are you trying to say?" A confusing facade mustered up to cover my true intentions.

"How can I trust someone I barely know? Seriously? Me?" He locked his gaze on mine, and the trepidation I felt earlier multiplied tenfold. "What are you playing at, lady?"

"Ignore him. He won't do something stupid, just do what I said." Courtney's voice echoed in my ear. "Act innocent. Focus, Adeleine. Focus."

"It's really disheartening that you're accusing me of something I'm not guilty about, Mr. Easton." I tried to remain collected despite my growing panic. "If only I knew you would say something like that, I wouldn't have decided to come here."

My expression is filled with regret and disappointment, but this is just an act. Letting him see me act vulnerable will help persuade him that I'm telling the truth. 

He stared at me for a moment, examining my face. As he did so, I saw his jaw clenching, a clear indication that he was not happy with my behavior. But then he quickly regained composure, giving me his evil laugh as if he was playing with me. "I am sorry for accusing you like that. It's just... you know. There are people spying on me, lurking everywhere. I can trust no one at the moment."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I guess I'm lucky 'cause you let me in your room."

"Let's say you caught my attention. Of course, I also want your attention," He murmured, casting a seductive smile in my direction as he walked forward. The way his eyes lingered sent shivers down my spine. "Your beauty can't be ignored, Savannah."

"So let's enjoy the party tonight and forget all the things that keep bugging our minds. What do you think?" My hand moved on his notch lapel, caressing the silk fabric as I gazed up at him seductively. "'Cause just like you, I'm in desperate need of attention." I slowly let my fingers slide down his neckline and began trailing. His eyes flickering down to my finger made me feel that my actions aroused him. I was nervous doing it, and I couldn't help but hope not to be stuck in this situation for much longer. However, I'm desperately hoping that my actions were effective because the situation I found myself in feels like hell to me right now. And I had to endure it until I could finally get the Yubikey.

After a few more seconds, his phone rang. His reaction morphed from lustful and heated to irritated, and he pulled away from me. "Excuse me. I'll be back. Just please stay here, okay?"

He grabbed the phone and answered it immediately as he walked out.

I quickly ran to the corner where his suitcases lay. Opening one of them, I took a glance at the contents. The first suitcase was filled with clothes, and the next was full of documents. A small brown envelope caught my attention. When I picked it up, I knew it was the one I'd been looking for.

I carefully opened it, revealing the Yubikey. 

"I found it, Courtney!" I was smiling as I carefully watched it in my hand. 

"Good job, Adeleine. Get out of that room now and meet me at the lobby area."

"Alright. See you there."

I stood up while the Yubikey stayed in my hands. I ran outside quickly, but someone blocked me before reaching the elevator. I didn't dare look up, but judging by how he clad himself, I knew he was a man. But hell! His smell was familiar.

As soon as I glanced up, I gasped loudly in surprise. My heart started racing, and my palms became sweaty as if it were trying to jump out of them. I just froze on the spot.

And again, all the pain that this man inflicted on me flashed before my eyes. The memories of hell life had flooded into me like a wave as they returned to me in full. 


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