Chapter 9. Another Predicament

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Back to Adeleine's POV

It's been one week, and my recovery was much more rapid than I thought possible. Even though Courtney urged me to use the knife and prove my words, I'm not blaming him despite the upshot. To be frank, I'm grateful because I was able to experience the feeling of being taken care of by someone genuinely. It's hard to describe how liberating that feeling is, but I'm happy it lessened my burden. That's one good thing about this treacherous life I'm in.

Two diligent doctors, each specializing in different aspects of my well-being. While one meticulously tended to my physical health, the other delved into my psychological well-being. During their meticulous care, Courtney never failed to make sure I was okay. Through his soothing voice over the phone or reassuring visits, he ensured I never felt alone in my journey toward recovery. Words aren't enough to elucidate his kindness, and even without many words from him, the genuineness could still be felt by his actions.

Here I am, watching my reflection in the mirror as I prepare for today. I had no idea what kind of work would entail because Courtney didn't mention anything. However, I'm ready for whatever it may turn out to be. My hands were steady as I applied the mascara to my lashes and added lipstick to my lips. I did a final check in the mirror before grabbing my clutch from the bed that Courtney gave me three days ago.

The door burst open, revealing a woman in her late forties, clad in professional clothes, mostly dark jeans and a black blouse. She was tall and skinny with brunette hair styled into shoulder-length waves. Her lips were full and plump as she gave me a warm beam. She's also holding a beige top and blazer, with black pants and heels. Courtney hired her to be my fashion stylist today.

"This is your outfit for today, Adeleine." She placed it all down on the bed. "I brought you three extra pairs of heels and a dress in case you change. There's also your new purse if you need additional accessories, okay?" She walked over to the other side of the bed, then stopped, only to give me an admiring expression. "You look stunning, honey. I'm pretty sure your boyfriend will love it."

I was startled by her statement and chuckled a bit. "You mean... Courtney?"

She nodded.

"He's not my boyfriend, Ms. Laura. Just a friend," I corrected, letting out a short smile. But she only gave a silent nod as if she wasn't convinced.

I respired and tried to divert my attention to my clothes. "Anyway, this is too much, Ms. Laura. Anything is fine for me."

"Just call me Laura. Sir Courtney prefers that way." She tossed me back a warm smile.

"Alright." I agreed without further hesitation. "I just need to wear all this and then I'm all good now." I continued scrutinizing myself, examining every inch of my figure.

"Just hit me up if there's anything else you need." She bowed her head slightly before leaving my room, leaving me alone.

I spent ten minutes wearing everything Laura gave me. This made me feel completely different. To see myself clad in this kind of outfit was a rare moment. Never in my life have I ever worn anything like this before. Well, maybe once or twice at an important social event. But nothing compares to seeing myself dressed like I do right now. If I were to describe myself, this must describe how I feel. Completely refreshed.

The door bursts open again. It's Courtney. He's wearing a dark grey pinstripe suit and tie paired with a black polo shirt underneath it. His shoes matched perfectly. His looks never failed to make me forget about my current predicament. Exquisite in every way. And despite his intimidating aura, he is so hot I could get lost in those blue pools of his eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Yeah." I smiled, which he quickly reciprocated with one of his own.

He didn't respond and just turned around. I couldn't help but brood if my outfit was pleasing. I wanted to look gorgeous and presentable in front of him, but hell, why do I feel obligated to impress him with my appearance?

Without a word, I trailed behind him as we made our way outside. Just as we were about to proceed, he suddenly stopped but didn't glance in my direction. "That suits you." His voice was velvety, almost hypnotizing.

My heart skipped a beat, a flurry of butterflies bursting from my stomach. Yet, I compelled myself to quell this swirling emotion and remind myself that this is not the right time or place to think of romance. His compliment should not be mistaken for anything more than just a passing remark. I told myself before I followed quietly in his wake.


A gun in my hand felt heavy, yet I held it steady. Courtney has been teaching me how to shoot since we reached this area. It was located on the first floor of this building. I am now on a second round where I need to fire at least three shots. It will test my aim, agility, and reaction time. It's also one of the best ways to test my capability to fend myself against people who want to harm me, and all of this knowledge is what Courtney has been telling me since we started. He has supported my attempts, and I love how patient and gentle he's been.

"You don't need the exact measure of how far your target is away to shoot accurately," He explained as he moved behind me. "You just need to trust your ability. A strong faith and courage to hit the target." I was holding the gun, pointing it towards my target with a relaxed stance, but a slight bit of apprehension lingered within me when both of his arms wrapped around mine and guided me the right way to hold it. He squeezed slightly until his fingers lightly traced over the trigger. I was amazed to witness how he easily shot the target because it hit directly on the bull's eye.

"Wow." I swallowed hard in amazement. I thought he would let go of my hand, but then he continued to hold onto me instead. And since he was teaching me, our hands were clasped together rather than apart. The contact between our hands sent shivers up my spine that I couldn't decipher, but all I did was act unperturbed.

"How many years did you spend on shooting?" I finally broke the stillness, endeavoring to obscure the awkwardness that kept creeping inside me.

"Not years. Just six months and fourteen days." He fired another shot.

"That's amazing. I wish I could handle something as easy as that," I responded, smiling. "But I don't have such talent."

"You don't need to be capable of it." He finally let go of my hand until he deftly slid fresh bullets into the chamber. Both arms wrapped me again. After another successful shot, he let go of my hands and locked his gaze on mine. "Talent is useless if you aren't passionate."

"So you love what you're doing?"


We stared at each other for the briefest seconds. His piercing blue eyes seemed to bore straight into my soul. I was unable to tear my gaze off his. But then he motioned me to keep going. To shoot the target, but this time, he's not holding my hands.

Inhaling deeply, I steadied my breathing while pointing the gun towards my target. It was a little hard to concentrate because he was looking at me while doing it.

"Keep your eye on the center of the target and do not hesitate," He instructed, his voice commanding. I nodded and pulled the trigger with one quick movement, releasing the bullet. It landed safely on the left side of the splatterburst target.

"Not bad for a first-timer," He commented, giving me a proud grin.

I was about to speak when a sudden presence appeared next to us. It's Julian, heavily panting as he tries to catch his breath.

"Sir, we've got a situation. The Python Team reported two minutes ago. Our perimeter sensors detected unauthorized movement along the western border. It's unlike anything we've seen before. According to Carter, they're highly trained and armed with advanced weaponry.

Courtney's expression darkened as he listened intently. The fury was evident in his eyes, but he stayed calm. "What's their objective?"

"They're not after resources or territory." Julian swallowed hard before he glanced at me. "They are looking for her.

My eyes widened in shock upon hearing his words, with my heart thumped wildly, especially when one person emerged in my mind.

It's Blaine.

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