The encounter.

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Liyue is one of the 7 nations in Teyvat, it's known as the nation of contracts and is also the most prosperous nation in all of Teyvat. This nation is ruled by the Liyue Qixing, a group of people with high economical influential not only in th nation, but in all the continent. Among them, the Yuheng, is currently a post occupied by a young woman of 21 years named Keqing. She is a girl with purple hair and eyes. Her principal characteristic is that she is very hardworking and tenacious, focused exclusively on her work.

One day, Keqing got out from work much earlier than usual. She managed to finish everything for the day and got out to enjoy the rest of the noon for herself. She steps out of the Yuehai pavilion, takes a deep breath and sighs, enjoying how the fresh air full her lungs. The day seems to be lovely, not even a single cloud in the sky and the weather felt excellent, it was feeling rather cold even for a port city like Liyue.

-It's such a lovely day. -Said Keqing to herself as she savors her free time. However, she sees something that caught her attention: A young man walking slowly towards her falls unconcious to the ground.

Keqing notices the young man collapsing to the ground and immediately becomes concerned. Without a moment's hesitation, she rushes over to his side to check on his condition. Putting one hand on his arm and turning his body carefully to see his face.-Are you okay? -She asks urgently.

She notices in how bad condition the man is in, the man has his clothes almost torn to shreads, he has deep cuts all over his bodie and is bleeding profusely. Keqing's eyes widens in shock as she fully takes in the man's condition. His tattered state and extensive blood loss are clear signs that he's in a dire situation. She can see the cuts and wounds that cover his body, and the pool of blood forming around him.

-By the Archons, what happened to you? -She urgently questions, her voice filled with concern and worry.

The man just remains unconcious, his condition worsening by the second, he has just too much injuries all over his body for Keqing to treat him by herself. Keqing swiftly realizes the extent of the man's injuries and that handling it alone would be a difficult task. She quickly makes a decision and gathers her composure, knowing she has to act fast.

-Stay awake. -She says firmly with a tone of determination. -I'll get you some help.

Keqing carefully picks the man up in her arms, being mindful of his injuries. His body feels cold and heavy in her arms, and the blood on his body stains her clothes. -Just hold on... you'll be okay. -She mutters as she hurries towards Bubu Pharmacy. She knows for a fact that Doctor Baizhu would be able to help them.

With quick lighting speed, Keqing reaches Bubu Pharmacy in no time and desperately asks for help. Keqing rushes inside, the man still in her arms.-Please, I need medical assistance! -She exclaims, her voice filled with worry. -This man needs immediate care!

-Yuheng? What happened? -Baizhu sees the man Keqing is carrying. -For the archons sake...

-I found him on the streets, collapsed and in this condition. -Explained Keqing with a hint of urgency in her tone. -He needs medical attention immediately!

-This man has low possibilities of surviving. -Said Changchang, the snake pet of Baizhu.

-Take him to the room. -Said Baizhu firmly to her, he then turns to see Qiqi and gives her some orders. -Qiqi, I need you to bring me some rubbing alcohol, medical herbs, cotton and bandages. The little girls nods and does as she was said. Keqing also went to the indicated room and carefully lays the man on the bed. He was starting to look pale and his breathing becaming more swallow.

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