A glimpse to the past

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William was a child who was borned and raised in Mondstadt, one day, when he was 6, he was playing outside his house as usual. He had a wonderful family, a loving mother and father, he also had a younger sister who he loved more than anyone.

William enters the house cause it was getting dark outside and greets her mother.

-Hi mom! I'm back! Look what I found. Sais as he shows a huge bug he caught in the wilderness.

-Son, you know you shouldn't pick insects, you don't know where they have been. Go on, set it free. Said his mother with a loving tone.

-Allright, fine! William goes to the close window and lets go of the insect he caught, then turns and asks something to his mother.

-What are we eating today, mom?

-Sticky honey roast. Could you go and look for your sister?

-Sure thing!

William goes out and starts looking for his sister, he knows she was playing by herself in the backyard of their house. The house was ubicated in the middle of the forest of wolvendom, there were no houses near them and they had no neighboors. However, William sees something that scared him greatly. Several footprints and signs of struggle where he last saw his sister. He rans towards his mother, screaming for help.

-William, what's wrong?

-Is Fatima! She's gone!

-What do you mean by gone? Said William's mother, also starting to panic aswell.

-Yeah! Come, let me show you! William guides his mother where he last saw his sister and she saw all the signs of struggle.

-I'll call your father, he'll take care of this. She runs towards the house, however, William was feeling very guilty, if only he kept an eye on her sister, this woudln't had happened. So, he ran while following the footprints.

-Please, sis... please be ok. Says to himself as he tracks down where her sister could be. In no time, and very deeply into the forest, William finds a fatui campsite, he scans the place to search for her sister and sees her. He tries to sneak and free her, approaching very silently to the little cage where she was in. Unfortunately, disaster struck. William steped on a dried leaf and the fatui spotted him. Immidiatly, he was knocked out and put on a cage.

William wakes up, not knowing what time it is or how much has it passed since he fell unconcious. The only thing he knows is that he heard that: "The doctor decided he has sufficient experimental subjects, and the rest of the captured must be despose off." In this very moment, William felt a huge sense of dread. He though: "Is like this how am I going to die? Before being able to do anything? Not to be even able to save my sister? To hell with it... if only I had power, the power to protect... the power to survive!" William started glowing blue, he bursted out from the cage he was in and fought back against the fatui that held him hostage.

William's memories are kinda blurry after this, the next thing he remembers is being heavily injured, scratches and cuts all over his body. It was this very moment when he lost his left eye, a fatui cut him in the face where the eye was. Left to say that is obvious that the eye was destroyed there. He hears the voice of his mother, calling for him, his vision turning blurry as he fainted and fell into the ground.

William woke up in the hospital after that. He learned that he was poisoned by the fatui, the posion affected greatly his heart and needed a transplant. He learned here that his mother was the donner. Devastated for the news, he tried to relief himself by saying: "I guess it'd be my dad and I against the world." William used to look up to his father, he was a strong being, both he and William's mother were soulreapers that decided to retire from that life to Teyvat a long time ago.

Keqing interrupts Nahida at this point.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait... Soul reapers? I though those were just a myth.

-No, they are real, though very rare. It seems like William is the only one left in the whole of Teyvat. However, I must say that not even I know much about this race, apart from the part that they are extremely powerful, capable enough to go up against the gods of Celetia. 

-What!? That's a huge statement. Said Paimon out of amazement.

-I know, however, William refuses to use this power.

-Huh? Why? Said Keqing, confused by this statement.

-Cause he inherit the exact same powers as his father. Keqing, you've noticed how William hates to wear black and red clothes, right?

-Yeah, even with his memories gone, he still felt some sort of laothing towards those colors.

-That's because those colors are tematic to the powers of his soul reaper side. He hates them so deeply that the feeling it wasn't even erased after getting amnesia.

-But why does he hate his father?

-Allow me to continue. Says Nahida, starting to explain again.

While William was resting in bed, hoping to see his father come to visit him, he learned that his father comited suicide after knowing what happened to his wife and daughter. William felt so rejected and abandoned after this that he developed a huge hatred and loathing towards his father.

He realized that he inherited the powers of his father when the spirit of the zanpakutou of his father, Tensa Zangetsu, started talking to him. William just ignored him, and keeps ignoring him to the very day. William finally recovered from his injuries. Years later, he got to train under the Knights of Favonious where he met several people, among them: Jean, Kaeya, Diluc and Grandmaster Varka. William was a pormising star for the Knights, he mastered the technique they teach in no time and even created one on his own, using dual blades. He tends to use a reverse grip on his left hand and normal grip on the right. He also used to practice against Varka and could go up against him, however, William never managed to defeat him. 

When he turned 18, William scaped from Mondstadt and never was seen again. One day, he was peacefully camping near Liyue Harbor when he was ambushed and taken by surprise by the Abyss Order. That's when Keqing found him, all injured and barely holding to life.

-So, what does he want now? Said Keqing, wanting to know where her boyfriend is and what he is planning to do.

-Yeah, what's William's plans for now? Why did he left so much in a hurry? Said Paimon, also curious for William's fate.

-William wants vengeance.

-Vengeance? Against who?

-Against the Second Fatui Harbinger, Il Dottore.

-Against Dottore!? He's going to get himself killed! I know you said he has the power to go up against the gods in Celestia, but you also said he refuses to use that power. 

-That's why I'm going to ask you to please stop him. He went back to his old house, he has a pyro delusion burried somewhere in the yard there. Go to the Stone Gate, he is very likely to go through there, you can find him there.

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