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It was still a little early, but both William and Keqing got to sleep while they were snuggling. Keqing found comfort in the warm, safe embrace of William's arms. Her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, and the only sound was the soft sound of their breathing.

-Hm? Where... where am I? William finds himself in a pitch dark place, surrounded by nothingness. William's voice echoes through the darkness as he wonders about his surroundings. The void stretched endlessly in all directions, and the complete lack of light made it difficult to see anything. Where was he? How did he get there?

-You wanted to get your memories back, huh? Said a demonic type of voice.-I gave you the blessing to scape from your past and be happy. Now you want your past too? What a fool. You can't have the cake and eat it at the same time. Says as a white shadowy figure appears before him, it was a huge contrast of all the darkness in theplace.

William's heart sinks as he hears the demonic voice. Shock and surprise wash over him, his mind racing to figure out what is happening. The shadowy figure in front of him looks almost ethereal, a stark contrast against the surrounding darkness. But the words the figure spoke only brought confusion and disbelief to him.

-Who... who are you? Why am I here? What do you mean I can't have my memories back?

-You really are a fool... The shadow gets closer to William, his face inches away from his and there, William's eye widens in shock and disbelief. -You can't even recognice yourself? Says as the shadow's face seems to be none other than William's.

William takes a step back, his face full of dread and disbelief at the sight of his own face but twisted and distorted, almost as if it was the manifestation of his dark side, his past self.

-No... it can't be. William stammers, taking an other step back in shock.

-I... who... no...

He couldn't even form coherent sentences, his mind struggling to process the sight before him.

-Time for you to decide, your past. The shadow extends his arm as he backs up, a very shiny red light appears in his hand. 

-Or Keqing. The face of Keqing appears in the other hand as he does the same. 

-But you can't have both because of the mere fact that I won't allow it.

William feels a surge of conflicting emotions as the shadow presents him with a choice. His past or Keqing? His heart clenches at the thought. How could he choose? His memories held the key to understanding who he was, to figuring out his true identity. But Keqing.. she'd been by his side, supporting and caring for him ever since they met. He couldn't just throw away their budding relationship either.

He takes a deep breath, his mind in turmoil.

-I... I don't understand. How can I choose between them? They're both important to me.

-Hmph! Your undecisiveness makes me sick to my stomach... how about I choose for you? The shadow gives William the shiny red light that represented his past but kept Keqing only to crush her image.-Is not like you deserve to be happy. As soon as William saw how Keqing was crushed by the shadow's hand, he jolt and woke up, screaming. 

-Don't you dare touch her! He then realizes where he was, in his old bedroom with Keqing at his side who just woke up from his scream.

Keqing's eyes widen in surprise and fear as William's scream jolts her awake. She quickly sits up, disoriented and confused, her heart racing with worry and alarm. Did someone attack them? Why was he screaming like that?

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