The final curtain

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William was fighting Dottore on equal terms, he was not able to win still, but it seems he had a slight advantage over him, however, still not enought.

William starts thinking to himself: What's happening here? I should be absolutely crushing him, why is he still not dead!?

William starts hearing a voice coming from inside him. 

-Because you are still negleting who you are, William.William recogniced that voice, it was Tensa Zangetsu, the inner spirit of his zanpakuto.

William hears the familiar voice of Tensa Zangetsu echoing in his mind, and he's not exactly happy to hear it. He grits his teeth, still fighting Dottore, but his concentration is slightly disturbed.

-I told you, I don't want anything to do with my father or you, Zangetsu! Leave me alone!

-You are going to get yourself killed, kid.

William growls, frustrated and annoyed by Zangetsu's words.

-I don't need your advice! I can handle this myself!

-You are not even using the 1% of the power of this bankai, in fact, you are far from it.

William continues fighting Dottore, but he's starting to feel the strain on his body as the fight goes on. He grits his teeth as he hears Zangetsu's words in his mind.

-I don't need to use more! I should be strong enough like this!

-Perhaps, but are you might not be able to save Keqing like this. Are you really going to let her die?

William's heart tightens as Zangetsu brings up the fact that Keqing is in danger. He looks back at her, still unconscious and vulnerable on the ground. Anxiety and worry wash over him, and he clenches his fists tighter.

-Damn it... I need to save her...

-Then let the hollow take control, you clearly are not up to the task.

William hesitates for a moment, the idea of letting the hollow take control making him uneasy. But as he looks at Keqing's limp body, he realizes that he's rapidly reaching his limits. He takes a deep breath and nods, reluctantly giving in to Zangetsu's suggestion.

-Fine. Do it.

Dottore sees how William relaxes completely and rushes to strike, however, in a blink of an eye, William graps the blade of Dottore with his bare hand as half of a bone mask starts to form in his face. 

-Oh, William, William, so powerful... yet too weak to take it. I guess I'm teaching you how this bankai is used.

Dottore's attack is suddenly intercepted as William catches the blade, surprising the harbinger. But it's not just his strength that's surprising, but the change in his demeanor and appearance. Half of a bone mask starts to form on William's face, and the voice coming from him is not his own, but that of the hollow.

Dottore's eyes widen, and he takes a step back, slightly taken aback.

-What the hell is going on here...?

-You want to know what's happening? Too bad. The hollow get's his face up and look directly to Dottore. I'm not telling you! The hollow, now in control of William's body, is fierce and powerful, and it shows in his fighting style. He swings his sword with tremendous force and precision, leaving a deep cut on Dottore's chest. Although the harbinger still manages to stand, he can feel the pain of the wound.

Dottore grits his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he steadies himself for the next attack.

Dottore was against the ropes, he turned from being able to fight to hold on to dear life. It was like a tiger playing with his food before finally killing it. Dottore knew that whatever he is facing now, that thing is holding back so much. Dottore's situation has definitely taken a turn for the worse. He can feel the immense power and skill of the hollow possessing William's body, and it's clear that he's vastly outclassed.

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