Seeking the killer

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Keqing and William starts walking, him leading the way, naturally. There was an akward silence so William decided to break it. 

-So... the Dendro Archon told you my entire story, didn't she?

She glances at him, taken slightly off guard by his question. She nods silently, confirming that the Dendro Archon had indeed shared his story with her.

-Yes, she did. She replies, her voice soft yet steady.

-So... you actually can understand me, can't you? You do understand all the hatred and anger I have within me, don't you?

Keqing looks at him, her gaze unwavering but full of understanding. She nods again, her expression serious.

-Yes, I do. I understand your anger and hatred, but I also know that this isn't truly who you are, William.

-How are you so sure about it?

Keqing takes a deep breath, her eyes fixed on him.

-Because I've seen glimpses of the person you really are. The one who has a good heart, one who only seeks revenge out of grief and pain. You're still there, somewhere deep inside. I believe that.

-Do I still have a good heart despite me being so bloodthirst? William clentches his fists and stops walking for a moment. He turns his gaze to the ground. -If you do believe that, then is because you haven't seen how much of a monster I can be right now. He resumes his walking.

Keqing stops walking as well, a mixture of concern and understanding on her face. She looks at him, noticing the clenching of his fists and the torment in his eyes.

-Maybe it's true that I haven't seen the full extent of your 'bloodthirst' but that doesn't change what I've seen and what I know. I've seen the goodness in you, the moments where you've held back and shown compassion. That's the real you, William, no matter how much you try to deny it.

He stops walking again and turns to see her. 

-When I... held back? You mean... when I was fighting all of you at once?

Keqing looks back at him, her gaze steady.

-Yes, that's what I mean. There were moments during our battle where you had the chance to go all out, to attack without restraint. But you didn't, even when it would have been the easiest option. You held back, you tried to avoid causing unnecessary harm.

-Please, stop. I've long wanted to abandon all trace left of humanity within me, so the path I chosen would be easier. I thought I was almost done with it, but now you've made me reconsider about it. I'll guess I'll just have tu supress my emotions even further.

Keqing's heart clenches as she hears his words. She can see the struggle within him, the internal battle between his anger and his humanity. She steps closer, her voice softer than before.

-Please, don't do that, William. I know you believe suppressing your emotions is the answer, but it's not. It'll only lead to more pain and suffering.

-Ha! I'm no stranger to that. Nothing can't be stolen from me now. He turns away and keeps on walking, not giving Keqing the oportunity to answer back. We should haste, I'd like to get to the fatui campsite before dusk.

Keqing watches as he turns away, her heart heavy with a mixture of sadness and determination. She follows him silently, keeping pace beside him as they continue their journey towards the fatui campsite.

The silence between them is thick, the weight of their previous conversation still lingering in the air. Keqing's mind is filled with thoughts and emotions, her concern for William growing with each step.

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