Chapter 1

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Mihir and Isha was tied in a bond as per their parents wish.

Mihir,a professor by profession.He was full of life,handsome,soft spoken,and an introvert fellow.To be frank he was a prosperous sign in his family.Both his parents were retired government officers.Mihir is their only child.

Isha,an epitome of beauty,attitude and richness.
Only daughter of a reputed business personality.Her mother was also a businesswoman.

Isha was brought up in an environment where she values money,status,luxury next to her parents.

Isha was just 23 and she was known for her personality and short temper.

She was never been in a relationship with anyone till now and didn't even show any interest in settling down as she was enjoying her carefree rich life to her fullest.

Isha was no less than a toddler when she was around her parents.When it comes to people who interact her,it's another story.

Getting worry about this behavior of Isha her parents brought a marriage proposal from a middle class family.

Isha who didn't even liked the idea of getting married to a person from a middle class family,tried her best to escape from her parents.

Much to her dismay all her futile attempts went in vain.She was very disappointed and was getting frustrated day by day.

On the other hand Mihir was left with no choice other than following his parents wish.

His only worry was how the girl who happened to be his would be bride going to manage a normal life with him.

Adding fuel to the fire his professional life also became hectic day by day.

He goes to work early to escape from his parents questions and comes late at nights due to his hectic schedule.

Mihir didn't even get time to process what's happening around him.

Finally it was the day of their engagement.Everything was arranged in a simple yet elegant manner.It was Mihir who convinced Isha's father and took all the expenses to himself.As his inner self didn't wanted to take advantage of their wealth.

"Come on Mihir,what's wrong?hurry up."said Mihir's dad opening the door of the room.

"I am fine dad."was all me managed to say with a forced smile.His mind was wandering all the while.

Only the close relatives from both the sides were invited including friends.He excused himself from all of them and was now resting in the reserved room.


Isha was standing in the stage in all glory wearing black flared pearl studded gown with netted sleeve.

Her minimal jewelry and light makeup enhanced her beauty many folds.Her hair was left open and the ends were neatly curled.

From the moment she ascended the stage everyone was praising her beauty which she cared less,though plastering a fake smile on her face.
She likes it when someone praises her beauty.But this wasn't the right time and place to be praised for.As deep inside she was burning like a fire.

Yet she maintained a calm composure for the sake of her parents.

She turned to her parents in an attempt to assure them with her smile.They too smiled at her warmly which made her heart heavy.As she wasn't feeling happy or pleasant at all.

Two minutes later the power went off and only the tiny fairy lights were blinking and fading creating a vibe,which irked her already raging self.

She very well aware of the gestures and when she was busy calming her angry self down she heard a footstep ascending towards the place where she was.She guessed whom it would be,even though she never met him before.

Isha tried hard to keep a normal reaction when her inner self didn't even wanted to have a glimpse of the person.

All thanks to the dark atmosphere,where she didn't have to fake a smile at everyone for a while.She maintained her natural cold expression.

A chill ran down her spine when a strong masculine perfume hit her flaring nostrils.Out of nowhere she felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach.

She could feel him standing before her.Isha closed her eyes in an attempt to digest the so called gestures and antics.She was least bothered to meet his face.

The lights switched on making her squint her eyes in order to get adjust to the lights.

Mihir forwarded his palm and waited for her to slid the ring.He could hear her uneven breathing.She took an owe to slid the ring into his fingers without making any contact with his skin.Yet couldn't as she had to hold his palm while sliding the ring.

She quickly left his palm once she was done and a deep sigh left her mouth making Mihir frown at her antics.A soft chuckle made it's way as Mihir smiled at her childishness.

His frown didn't last even for a moment when everyone exclaimed in happiness and he felt content looking at his parents.

The sole reason he agreed to marry Isha was his parents.Being their only child Mihir never made his parents upset or never opposed their opinions.

"Sir..Ma'am..Can you both please make an eye contact while holding hands?"A voice from behind hit their ears and Isha glared at the cameraman who was ready to click their candid pics.

Mihir took Isha's hesitance as nervousness and continued.

"It's alright..I mean.."He was interrupted by the cameraman who continued saying.

"Just for once.Please sir. Ma'am please."

Without any other choices,Mihir came forward not wanting to create an awkward moment and stood as per the cameraman instructed.
Isha didn't even budge a little though.

"Hi...If you don't mind can I talk to you for a couple of minutes?"was Mihir who requested Isha softly when she was standing in the balcony of the party floor.

"Ahmm...Some-other time.I just feel like..."continued Isha,with a fake gentle smile in her face only to cut off by Mihir.

"It's alright.Hope I am not being intrusive."Finished Mihir believing her fake nervousness as the truth and left from there excusing himself.

She quickly left his palm once she was done and a deep sigh left her mouth making Mihir frown at her antics.A soft chuckle made it's way as Mihir smiled at her childishness.

His frown didn't last even for a moment when everyone exclaimed in happiness and he felt content looking at his parents.

The sole reason he agreed to marry Isha was his parents.Being their only child Mihir never made his parents upset or never opposed their opinions.

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