Chapter 8 : Baoshan getting scolded

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I downloaded these picture from Google. So Don't know the owner.
To me, my son a-ying aka tintin's matter always have the priority. And that's why i m strictly looking at his diet so that he can be healthy as in his age. Not too much lightweight like right now.

When we back in our room, tintin suddenly wanna listen new story. So from james, i give him *the Monte cristo* to read...of course the child version with so colorful picture. He is very happy getting this book and nested in my lap to read it.

" james, we will go to qinhe tomorrow after the breakfast. But made me and tintin invisible to the spys of fengmian."...... I m become serious while saying this and do the light massage on tintin's leg.

"Spy....!! Why...... And How....!! "....xing xing getting afraid for his nephew.

" Don't panic now. First, Let me check..."..... James's face also become sour like me.

" Good always lian..."...... 😲😊 after checking james said.

" How do you assume that, jiang leader spy on us...?"...... Song lan asked.

" Easy. Desperate parents. Who can do anything for their children. Thus they become too much selfish, murderer, abuser etc. But they just never do 1 thing => open up their heart to love more. They just shrink it day by day."...... I sigh and answer.

In the mean time, tintin reads the story book also listen to us. He cutely looked at me to understand my logics behind everything and then again return to his reading.

" baby......... What do you eat at dinner? "....... I back hug him and ask.

" Ruti (soft tortilla), Hash vuna (duck meat vuna), dhone patar chatni (coriander chatni), and salain (3 tea spoon sugar, 1/4 tea spoon salt, 1 big glass water= homemade salain by me....but standard is.... 500 gm water, 1 big pinch (use 3 finger) salt, 1 grip (standard big hand) sugar or molasses.... Mix all.... It will last 6 hours....) "...... Busy buddy answered while reading book.

" 😄..... James, arranged your nephews order for everyone please.".....

"👏 okk boss...."....

After feeding my son and me eating with everyone, we go our respective rooms to sleep. As usual my son become koala bear while ready to sleep. But do i mind? No..... I love him with all his side.
In the meantime, there start an expected drama in the jiang household. After jiang fengmian return from talking to us, his bullshit wife waiting for him with full wrath.

" wah wah wah fengmian, what is this sad look! Don't you find your precious bastard child? Good then... I never wanna him in this house. It is my house. My children will be the boss here. Not some illegal bastard. I m telling you fengmian, you saw Acheng and ali born, they r the real jiang successor. Not that bitch's son."..... Zidian start sparking furiously.

" My lady, i know.... All of you said i know.... But wei ying is never my child. I m only looking for him for our 2 child. So that, they father and son can serve us now..... And later generation by generation. They are perfect shield for me, you, and our children. Wei change full family was excellent cultivators. So where do find such good shield for us?? "...... 😑😑

" 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, fengmian i m telling you, our children never need shield... They will become superior by their own. No need for that bastard. I will make sure of it."....

" 😑😑😑 ok. I m going inside then. And the way, wei changze full family murdered. All 3 of them. I just confirm this news while talking to changse sanren's shidi xiao Xingchen. So definitely no shield at all...."

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