Chapter 9 : R U All Stupid!!! 🙄

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When i calm down tintin, i turn to baoshan to speak.....

"In this world, i thought you r the person with minimum general knowledge. But turn out you r just others. All stuck to their fucking rules. And never try to understand others.... My son said what i wanna say to you. And other thing i will tell, in between seeing the future. Get ready for that"...... 😡😡😡

Baoshan is still now too stunned to speak. Yes, she always stuck in her all own rule just like others. Never try to understand a child's needs. When did she become so cruel for a child.... She doesn't remember....

Nie family also shed tears seeing my pitiful son crying.... Yes they agree with what tintin said.... A little baby must need a family first. True love first. Not charity.

Huaisang also silently crying on mingjue's lap. Mingjue thinking that, if his father and he will dead, what will huaisang do!!! This things shiver him also made him determine to stay alive for his own family. His father's also the same.

" James....... I need some roshogollah, and salain. My baby crying so much.... He needs glucose and salt. Please arrange these for everyone ".....

James just nod his head and silently arranged all...then he just give a light pet on tintin's back to show his support.

" Baobab....see what is this...."... I try to coax my son to be more normal.

"Umm... Mama..... O..... Roshogollah!!! Feed me.... Please... "..... Hiding cutie come out from hiding.

" Of course.... Now first let me set you front that i can feed you."...... I m feeling happy that tintin reply my effort.

Tintin happily eat all i feed him. I watch baoshan regret her action. So what!! Continue to regret. I m not forgiving type angel. I m a devil who is devil to me. Others smile silently seeing a happy tintin.

"Xiao lian these food are very delicious. Thank you for sharing with us.".... Sect leader Nie of Qinghe knows the etiquette.

" Welcome brother. But i mainly share because of your 2nd son huaisang. He is the one who always believe in my son Aying."..... I m a straight forward truth teller.

" Oh...this is a great news than. Now can we start....?... "

"Oh..... I totally forgot with these all happened here. James....... Please start the screen for everyone here."

James comply.

(I don't wanna bored you guys with the knowing scene. I will just write the event name, to continue my story)
(First : A-ying getting adopted after parents death)

After seeing this segment fully, all of stupefied. Include Xing Xing and Lan Lan who watched it for the 2nd time. Full Nie family giving me a big thumbs up.....(for saving my son i know). And Baoshan..... she is still stunned.

"See Baoshan....that's why i m angry to you guys.... Specially your daughter and son-in-law. How they said to these things to that little 5 years old kid!! Just how!!! If they r good parents, then they will put him a secure place like these unclean realm, then go to their precious charity. But.... they never did. Then how they r good parents who only give danger to their baby?? "

" I.... I don't know." she shutter while speaking.

"They also destroy my son's mental health. Here is the first. When you see the guys will understand. And if they put A-ying with you, then was those happened to him? No. That's prove that, they are the biggest level of dumb."

"James please arrange some sweet music with earphone and puzzle set for tintin. (Me and james both watch that, tintin hide inside my chest and grip me tightly. He scared to face these again). "

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