2. Young Master Wei

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Two months later.

The sun that day burned hot, which was good for he who set out clothes or herbs to dry, but was a little too hot for those walking, working, or standing about outside.

Like in the busy streets of Xinghua city.

And it was on that bothersome and hot afternoon that a group of armed bandits came down from Hua mountain and attacked a few shops, stealing gold and other precious items.

The bandits were more than thirty, and they strutted through the busy streets, bullying and shoving off anyone who stood in their way. But before they got far, a lone figure descended from a roof, right in their path.

His black robes and long ponytail settled around him as his booted feet gently touched the ground, and his face was covered by a bronze coloured mask, revealing only his fair skin and perfect lips.

Though he looked smallish, he had an imposing aura that commanded attention.

"Wah! It's him!"

"Night Warrior is here!"

"He flies even during the day!"

There was a visible change in expressions, especially among the young ladies who were all eyeing the young man like he was a prized piece of fine jade.

"Who is this crazy fly?" One of the bandits stepped forward, wielding a big stick. "If you want to get hit, just say so!"

He swung the stick at the young man, but the young man leapt lightly off the ground and gingerly landed on the stick, controlling his weight so he didn't push the stick down.

"Wah!" The crowd were oohing and aahing over the cool move, with several ladies briskly fanning themselves.

"Isn't it too shameless to rob people in broad daylight?" The young man asked calmly. "Return what you have stolen, and you can leave unharmed." As he spoke, he slowly released his weight, forcing the stick to the ground.

But that, and the adoring crowd, only made the bandits angrier.

"Stomp him!"

"Teach him a lesson!" They all attacked him at once, but he was ready for them.

With a few swift moves, he had sent them all flying, leaving the crowd bewildered.

They barely saw him move!

He had kicked up a dust cloud, and all they heard was wailing and breaking bones!

When the dust cleared, the bandits lay around with several broken limbs, leaving them at the mercy of the people and the city guards, which had been sent for.


Meanwhile, the Young man efficiently vanished with the dust cloud, and was now in a hidden alley.

He whistled and an older man leapt down from a roof ahead.

He was Lao Zhen, who looked to be about fifty, and had clumps of grey at his temples.

"Young Master." Lao Zhen cupped his hands and bowed. Please let's return home. Wei Furen will be climbing the walls by now."

"Ehehe, Lao Zhen, how can you say that with a calm face?!" The Young man removed his mask, revealing impossibly beautiful features.

Lao Zhen knew that if the Ladies of Xinghua saw his master's face, they would break down the Wei residence gates to steal him away!

"Ahem!" Lao Zhen coughed, handing his master a face mask and light blue outer robes. "Please get changed." He said, then turned his back.

"Hao Hao! Mother can be dramatic, so let's hurry back!"

Lao Zhen just shook his head.

His master was Wei Ruoxing, only son of General Wei, the General in charge of guarding the large border city of Xinghua.

But unlike his father who was a war hero, Ruoxing was seen as an aimless young loaf, who spent his time and funds on wine and entertainment!

A few moments later, Ruoxing and Lao Zhen reentered the streets, this time with Ruoxing's nose and mouth covered.

Ironically, the same crowd that had praised the 'Night Warrior', turned up their noses at him.

"Hmph! This apple fell too far from the tree!"

"Which of the brothels did he crawl out of?"

"Perfect example of *'false naming'!" (*Ruoxing means 'Like a star')

"Father is a hero General, second only to the Grand commandant, but the son spends all day wasting away!"

"Peh peh peh! Even seeing him feels like bad luck!"

The Young ladies covered their faces with a fan, because none wanted to catch Wei Ruoxing's eye!

It would be bad if Wei Ruoxing fell for them, and then their parents organized a marriage out of sheer respect for General Wei!

Ruoxing chuckled good-naturedly. "Lao Zhen, why does it feel like arrows are flying left, right and center?"

"Young Master, they fly even from above and below. Are you not the one painting pictures? You've painted yourself as a walking bull's eye!"

"Ahahahaha! Lao Zhen, you're too honest... Too honest!"


The Wei Residence was easily the biggest in town, as it comprised numerous courtyards, lakes and gardens within, arranged in a beautiful layout which adhered all the laws of Fengshui, and there were even quarters for soldiers and a large training ground where they trained every morning.

Ruoxing entered the residence and several soldiers greeted him with respectful bows, and this continued all the way to the front doors of the residence.

Though he was just seventeen, General Wei's soldiers and all household servants knew what Ruoxing was capable of, but they were sworn to secrecy because--

"Lao Zhen! Why did you allow her to return so late?!" Wei Furen's loud and complaining voice drifted their way, as she descended the stairs from a high garden.

"She was supposed to 'accidentally' run into Young Master Bao at noon, but he and his friends already left the restaurant! How can I get grandchildren if she continues being this 'Night Warrior'?!" Wei Furen wailed dramatically

Ruoxing beamed at her mother.

It was true. Young 'Master' Wei was actually a seventeen year old slip of a girl!

"Mother, calm down!" Ruoxing hid her smile and hurried to placate her mother. "How about this? We learned he goes there on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days of the week. If day one fails, there's two more each week, right?"

"Xing'er..." Wei Furen whined. "You must stop dressing as a man! I understood because you wanted to help your father, but it has gone on long enough! The streets are a lot safer, thanks to 'Night Warrior'. Let him retire early!"

"Mother, I learned a new northern style poetry! How about we enjoy tea and flowers in the garden, while I recite it for you?" Ruoxing stylishly led her mother away, causing a few maids to snicker.

Several of them once had crushes on the Young Master because he was so kind to them and so handsome, but they were disappointed to find it was a 'Young Miss'!

Now they were more interested in watching the interesting mother and daughter!

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