Sunday, March 27

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You will not believe what happened to me the today! Let me tell you the whole story.....
I was at the mall shopping for new clothes when I walked past a book store. I glanced at the book store display when I saw the most beautiful thing ever! It was a $340 dollar book that looked simply gorgeous. The book was sparkly and colored with just the perfect shade of pink. It had a purple heart in the middle of the cover. I was so impressed by its beautiful looks I decided to buy it. I mean I am rich. Besides, the book was really cheap, so it was totally worth it. I bought the book and went home with it.
As soon as I got home, my dumb little sister, Amanda came rushing up to me. She began jumping up and down like my pet poodle, Fifi, when she sees me holding one of her dog buiscuits.
"Mackenzie! Mackenzie! I found something!" Amanda squealed.
I rolled my eyes in exasperation. Amanda was so irritating sometimes. She pulled me by my hand and took me into my room. Before I could ask her what she was doing in my room she shoved an empty recycled water bottle in my face.
I examined what was in the water bottle. I looked closer and saw a big weird yellow bug inside.
I gagged in disgust. "EWWWWWWWWW!!! Amanda, I told you not to bring those creepy bugs inside the house. Especially, not in my room. Drop that thing back outside," I commanded her.
"But he is my best friend. I named him George," Amanda said.
"Your best friend is a bug? Seriously? If you wanna play with that thing play with it outside. It's creeping me out," I said, unable to look away from it. So disgusting!
Amanda ran out my room and to the back yard which is HUGE.
Since I finally had some peace and quiet alone I began to look through the book. You will not believe what it said on the first page.


Those two words shocked me. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing right. Nope! That is definitely what it really said on the page. I guess those tacky sayings on the school posters are not that wrong. "Don't judge a book by its cover." I just judged a book by its cover.
I wanted to call the book store and tell them I wanted to return it. But I couldn't find my receipt. Now I was stuck with this lame diary. What a rip off!
I began writing in the diary anyway. There was really nothing else for me to do. My parents were away at work right now.

MacKenzie's Diaries Book #1Where stories live. Discover now