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I'm not going to lie, we had some hot steamy sex that night. The best sex I ever had to be honest.

"Babe." I tapped Ian. "Yea?? He looked at me.

"We gotta get up. I gotta feed Moses." I sighed. "I'll feed him, You stay there and rest."

"Mkay," I mumbled and rolled over. He don't gotta tell me twice. I stayed in the bed for a minute until I heard the baby cry. I got up and followed the cry to the kitchen, "Yall good?" I asked, yawning. "Yeah, Moses just being impatient." He chuckled, pulling the bottle out of the microwave.

"You know he can have baby food now... right?" I looked at the bottle suspiciously as I hadn't seen it in a week. "I don't know anything about kids, to be honest."

"It's fine, here." I grabbed the container of Gerber food out of the cabinet. "So Mosey..." Ian leaned on the counter, scooping food into Moses's mouth before Moses snatched the spoon from him. I chuckled a little and Ian looked startled. "You still want to move out?" He asked, trying to stop a smirk from forming on his face.

I know he wants me to say no, so I got to play with him. "Yeah, I could use the extra space." I nodded, looking around at the kitchen like it was small

"You for real?" He stood up straight like he was tense. "Nah I'm just playing." We both chuckled. "You play too fucking much." He rolled his eyes. "Don't you got something to do right now?" I looked at my phone to check the time. "Shit, practice, I got to go, I'll see yall later, by babe." He kissed my cheek before he left.

My stomach turned after his kiss. I began to think about our past interactions with each other. "It was so obvious wasn't it Moses?" I asked as I wiped the food from around his mouth. "Obbious" Moses copied me, making me giggle a little.

"Come on, we need to get dressed and look for jobs." I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. I bathed him and put him in some comfortable clothes. I left him in his crib as I took my shower and got dressed. I put his stroller together and put him inside it, covering him up and we were out.

I walked through our town's main street, looking for places that said NOW HIRING, but the only place was an antique shop that looked boring as fuck. "Damn, we need to keep searching."

As I walked with the stroller up and down streets close to the house all I could think of was how I confessed to Ian that I was falling in love with him. I wonder when he knew he liked me, was it while he was dating Asia? I hope not.

I thought that maybe I needed to look online. I sat on a random bench and pulled out my phone. I searched on Indeed and I saw many jobs. "Tubi, Male actor needed now.

I mean, that's better than working at McDonald's. I sent my info to the email the website provided and continued walking. Speaking of Mcdonalds...

I walked inside the McDonald's and got in line. The lines aren't long anymore due to COVID. Everyone either orders online or goes drive-thru. "How may I help you?" A lady asked as the person in front of me moved to the side to wait on their food.

"Hi, can I get a spicy Mccrispy meal with a Sprite and large fries," I ordered. She tapped the screen and the price displayed on the pin pad. I paid and stood to the side to wait.

"Mosey!" They called out. I got the food and sat at a table, putting Moses in my lap. I fed him fries as I ate my sandwich. "Mhmm" Moses said, rubbing his stomach. He is such a little character, he's funny as hell.

We went back home because It got dark, Ian was already there. "Hey Mosey, Hey Lil Mo." He grabbed Moses out of the stroller.

I put the stroller away and checked my phone. "OMG!" I ran into the Living room where Ian was at. "I applied to be in a tubi movie and I got accepted, now I got to interview!" I said happily.

"Congratulations!" Ian matched my energy. "What Tubi movie?" He asked, curious. "I don't know." I shrugged, looking at the message to see if it said. "It doesn't say, I guess I'll find out at..." I paused to find the interview date. "Tomorrow at 10."


"You'll do good babe, I promise." Ian tightened my tie and pecked me on the lips. "Thanks, I'm kind of nervous." I tried to pull my collar up to my mouth. "Don't do that, gon' mess up my good button-up."

I looked in the mirror at the long shirt that basically goes to my knees. "Just tuck it in, let's go."

He grabbed Moses's car seat and went to his garage. I followed him as I tucked the huge shirt in. I got in the passenger seat and he got in the driver's seat.

He drove with one hand on the wheel and one on my thigh, he thought he was slick, but I knew what he was doing. It calmed me down though.

We pulled up to the place that the email said and it was a normal house- well it wasn't normal as it looked ran down. Like a trap house. The roof had missing patches and the siding was falling off.

"You sure about this?" Ian asked. "I'm sure." I got out and walked up to the house. I rang the doorbell and stood there for a second. A man who looked to be in his early 30s opened the door.

He didn't say anything, just signaled me to follow him, and that's what I did. We went to a room and he sat on one side of a table, I sat on the other. "What's your name and how old are you?" He asked, clicking his pen. "I'm Lathan Echols and I'm 17" I answered truthfully. "16?" He squinted. "I would tell you to leave but you the last option- man fuck a interview you got the role. Here's the script, you play Carson, come back Monday to start recording."

He gave me a stack of papers. "Thank you." I smiled. "No problem, let me walk you out."

He put his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the door. "Bye, see you Monday."

"Bye." I walked out and he closed the door. I got in the car and smiled. "Damn that was fast, young got the role?" Ian asked. "Yes!" I damn near yelled. "I'm so proud of you."

I know it's not much, I mean he plays in the fucking NBA and I got a role in a Tubi Movie, but at least he's supportive.

Safe to say I love Ian, or am I moving too fast?

He loves me too though, I can tell.

This is starting to be my Best Life...

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