Chapter Two

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"Let's go!" Ophelia said, as the ship took off, flying over the snowy mountains that surrounded their home. She guided it upwards towards the clouds that threatened snow. Several droids noticed the ship and shot at it, but their lasers were deflected by the strong shields on the ship.

"Once we hit the edge of the atmosphere we're going to be noticed by the cruiser and the Hyena Droids." Nyrin warned over the comm.

"Got it. Just keep a sharp lookout for droids. If you see any, shoot them down."

Ophelia accelerated, shooting the ship towards the clouds even faster than before. Soon, they entered the clouds and quickly came out the top. Above them, just visible through the haze of the atmosphere, loomed the cruiser.

"We're nearly to the cruiser," Nyrin warned.

"You think I don't know that?" Ophelia queried, "You know, I do have eyes, Nyrin."

He chuckled.

They flew higher and higher, finally leaving the atmosphere, with the cruiser getting ever closer.

Suddenly, from a bay on the side of the clunky looking ship, a swarm of Hyena Droids flew towards them.

"Incoming!" Ophelia cried, beginning evasive maneuvers to avoid being shot, "Shoot back, Nyrin!"

Nyrin fired a stream of laser bolts from the ship's laser cannon, behind which, he was sitting as Ophelia continued to twist and turn their craft to avoid being blasted to oblivion.

Despite her efforts, however, multiple shots thudded into the hull of the vessel, making it shudder.

"We need to get out of here before we're turned into space debris by those droids." Nyrin said grimly.

"I know, what do you think I'm trying to do?" Replied Ophelia, exasperated, "You need to destroy a couple of those droids in front of us if we're going to get out of this alive."

Nyrin said nothing, as he continued to fire at the droids, finally hitting one and destroying it.

Ophelia pushed the controls back into the console, triggering a torpedo to speed towards another droid, destroying it as well.

Ophelia accelerated towards the gap the two droids had left. 

Going full speed, she had no time to turn as a heat seeking missile exploded into the side of the ship.

The cruiser commander had issued the command to fire the missile when he saw that the Mandalorian craft was going to escape, and in the midst of the firefight with the droids, Ophelia and Nyrin had not noticed it be launched.

Ophelia coughed, as the cockpit filled with smoke, feeling a stinging pain in the right side of her body and face.

"Nyrin?" She coughed.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"I- I- No, I don't think so. You're going to have to take the controls from where you are at." She replied, her vision flickering.

"Stay with me, Ophelia. Don't go to sleep." Nyrin ordered, panic filling his voice.

"I'm still awake."

They shot into hyperspace, ship trailing smoke.

"I set a course for the nearest inhabited planet." Nyrin said, "Don't die on me, Ophelia. I promised your father I'd keep you alive, and I plan to keep it."

"I feel so sleepy..."

"No! Don't go to sleep! If you go to sleep, you'll die! Just hold on. We're only ten minutes away from the Republic outpost."


Smoke continued to fill the cockpit, making it hard to breath or even see. Ophelia flickered in and out of consciousness, hearing Nyrin's voice as if from far away, as he talked to her about their childhood.

"Do you remember the time when we were little and you tricked me into jumping into that lake full of slugs, saying it had treasure in it? I was so mad. And the one week where you made me call you your Highness, until your father made you stop?"

Ophelia's only response was to cough heavily, unable to get enough air in the smoky cockpit.

"Ophelia?! Oh no, no, no, stay with me! I have to do something, we're still five minutes out from the outpost..." Nyrin hit several buttons, trying to filter the air in the cockpit for Ophelia.

A green light flickered on amid the reds, and the air in the cockpit began to slowly filter out the smoke and fill with oxygen from the emergency tanks. Ophelia coughed again, but finally began taking deep breaths of air, gasping.

"You still there, Ophelia?" Nyrin asked.

"Y- Yeah. I'm still here."

"Thank Mandalore. Your father would kill me if I let you die. We're nearly to the outpost, don't worry. Not exactly the place I would have liked to have gone for help, but it's the closest, and you need medical attention."

Ophelia shuddered, as a wave of pain wracked her, beginning to lose consciousness.

Several minutes passed, and the ship shot out of hyperspace, smoke spewing from the right side where it had been hit.

"This is a restricted area, unidentified ship. Please send your identification and prepare for boarding procedure," played over the comms of the ship.

Nyrin transmitted the ships ID code to the Republic outpost, "Listen, whoever you are, if you can't already see it, this ship is barely holding together. The pilot is unconscious and needs medical attention if she's going to survive. We just escaped from a droid invasion."

"Acknowledged. Tractoring your ship now." 

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