Chapter Five

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The battle was finished. Nyrin stood outside the gates of the fortress, looking out over the battlefield.

Kenobi's legion, the 212th, combed the field, along with Nyrin's fellow Elites, killing any droids that still had a bit of life left in them.

Hearing footsteps, he turned around to see General Kenobi and Ebin walking towards him, conversing.

"Thank you for your assistance in the battle today, General Kenobi. Without your help, we would have been wiped out."

"My pleasure. After all, that is why I came out here to the middle of nowhere in the Outer Rim. To destroy battle droid armies. And of course, save the planets and people under attack."

They walked up to stand beside Nyrin, who saluted his Commander.

"Ah, Nyrin," Ebin said, "We were just discussing you a moment ago," He took his helmet off, ruffling his grey and black hair with one gloved hand, "General Kenobi tells me you performed quite admirably today. Firstly, with getting my daughter to the Outpost alive and then on the field of battle."

"I was only doing my duty to my Clan, sir. Any other Elite would do the same."

"Yes, but you aren't just any other Elite." Ebin turned from surveying the field to face Nyrin, his gaze penetrating him, "You were a foundling. I had my doubts about you when you were younger, I admit. But you've become a good and loyal Mandalorian. Good job today." 

"Thank you, sir." Nyrin replied.

Ebin nodded, "Now, I must find my wife. General Kenobi?"

"Yes, I'm coming." Obi-Wan smiled at Nyrin before walking off with Ebin.

Nyrin set off across the Battlefield, looking for Jarus. Looking around him, he saw many dead droids, but also quite a few Clones and Mandalorians. The battle had been won, but not without a heavy cost.

He eventually found Jarus helping to carry the bodies of the dead back to the fortress so they could be laid to rest.

"Hello, lad." Jarus greeted, noticing him.

"Hello. Any idea how many we lost today?"

"To many. You should ask Erin for the exact number."

Nyrin took hold of the deceased Mandalorian's feet, as they lifted him with difficulty onto the hover-cart. They worked in silence for some time, taking their dead Clan members to the fortress's ice locker to be stored until it was time for them to be cremated.

Stepping out of the locker, Jarus took off his helmet, wiping sweat out of his brown eyes. His hair and beard were almost entirely grey, with specks of brown remaining.

Nyrin also took off his helmet, looking to the west where the sun was beginning to set, the sky turning red, "We should probably finish up. It's getting dark, and I don't want to still be working when it's pitch black out."

Jarus nodded, putting his helmet back on and pushing the hover-cart out of the gate once again. They met Ebin and Lena, along with Obi-Wan, as they walked across the field.

"Ah, there you are, Nyrin. I was wondering where you'd went." Ebin said.

"Yes sir. I've been helping Jarus with bringing in the dead."

Commander Cody suddenly strode up, saluting, "General Kenobi, the men have all finished their tasks, and gone back to the Negotiator."

Obi-Wan nodded, "It seems I must be going now. I assume one of you is going to come and pick up Ophelia?"

"I intend to come pick her up tomorrow morning, General." Lena said.

"Very well. Until then, may the Force be with you." Obi-Wan and Cody turned and walked off towards their gunship. A few moments later, the sound of it lifting off was heard.

"How close are you to finishing here?" Ebin asked Jarus.

"Close, sir. This should be our last trip, unless I'm missing someone."

"Well, carry on. When you're done, go and get some sleep."

Nyrin and Jarus continued making their way across the field, picking up the dead of their Clan. The dead clones had been removed by their brothers, Nyrin noticed. 

A short while later, they were finished. They stood outside of the ice locker, resting.

"Good job today, lad." Jarus said quietly.

"Thanks. I wouldn't have made it this far without your lessons."

"Good night."

"Yeah, good night, Jarus."

Nyrin stared out into the dark for a minute longer before heading into the fortress. 

Built into the side of one of the numerous mountains, the fortress stood with three towers stretching up to meet the sky, none of the same height. The secret to the size of the place, though, was the tunnels carved into the rock itself. Multiple of these tunnels honeycombed the entire mountain. It was into one of these tunnels that Nyrin went, heading to grab a bite to eat from the kitchens before going to bed.

Entering, he glanced around. The room was square, with alcoves willed with shelves of food supplies built into the walls. A large metal door on one wall led to the cold storage, while the wall opposite that was completely covered in ovens. In the center of the room was a large island made of solid rock with several sinks and cutting boards built into it, as well as stove tops. In one of the alcoves a table with benches was placed for the kitchen staff. 

At that table sat Erin, Lena Mare's advisor. There was no one else in the kitchen, as they had all gone to bed. She sat with her helmet off, eating a bowl of some type of chowder. Nyrin walked over to one of the stove tops and grabbing a bowl which he then proceeded to fill with the same chowder. Grabbing a spoon, he sat down across from Erin. 

She looked up from her food, watching as he took off his helmet. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing.

"What brings you here at this time of night?" Erin asked, raising an eyebrow, green eyes glinting in the soft light from the lamp set into the wall beside her, "Almost everyone else is already in bed, or partying over our victory."

"I just finished helping bring in the dead with Jarus and a few others." Nyrin explained, digging into his soup.

"A noble task. Not many of your generation still honor the ways of our ancestors. Most of them finished the battle and went to party over our victory." Erin brushed a few strands of her black hair out her eyes as she finished her food, "They never stopped to think about the price we paid for it." She leaned back in her seat, folding her arms in front of her.

Nyrin continued eating, finishing a few minutes later. Erin sat and watched him the entire time, silently observing.

"I'd best be going. I have a lot to do tomorrow." She finally said, standing, "Good night."

"G'night." Nyrin replied as he finished the last bite of his food.

Erin put her helmet on and left the room, leaving Nyrin alone. He picked up their bowls and put them in a sink before leaving the room as well.

The hallways were quiet. The only sound was his footsteps on the stone as he trudged along to his bedroom, ready to get some sleep.

He entered a hallway lined with doors, stopping about halfway down. He opened the wooden door to his bedroom, stepping in and closing it behind him. He hit the light switch, making the inset lights in the room turn on.

The room was square with an alcove set into the wall where his bed was. A wardrobe stood against the opposite wall, with a sink beside it. Opposite the door was his desk and a shelf full of books and other odds and ends he had collected over the years.

A wave of exhaustion hit him, and he staggered over and sat down on his bed, putting his helmet on the desk. Sighing, he rubbed his eyes. He hadn't been this tired since the day he won a much-coveted spot in the Elite Guard. 

He began to unbuckle his armor, storing it in the concealed drawer under his bed. The white and yellow paint was scratched and burned in several places. He'd been hit more times than he realized during the battle. He eventually got it all off. He yawned, laying back in his bunk, falling asleep instantly.

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