Chapter Three

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The ship shook violently as the tractor beam took hold and drew them into a docking bay on the side of the station.

As soon as they had landed, Nyrin popped the door above him up, scrambling out and down to the cockpit, which had been partially melted by the impact of the missile. He could see Ophelia inside slumped over the controls.

He wrenched the hatch up, then carefully began to maneuver Ophelia out of the ship and down to the ground. Her pulse was weak and her breathing shallow.

Someone cleared their throat behind him as he laid her on the ground. Jumping, he stood up and turned and saw a man in robes standing behind him with a squad of clone troopers.

"Commander Cody said someone had just been tractored in, but I didn't expect two Mandalorians." The man said dryly, stroking his beard with one hand, "Now, who might you be?"

"I am Nyrin of Clan Mare."

"And this young woman?" 

"Ophelia of Clan Mare. The heir to our clan."

"What exactly are you and your Clan's heir doing out here? And in that mess, too," He pointed to the wreck that had been their ship.

"Our home planet, Scalaria, is under attack by a droid army. Our people are outnumbered. We were sent to get help. Also, who are you to ask questions of us, Jedi?" Nyrin asked, nodding to the man's lightsaber hanging prominently from his belt.

"I am Master Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi Council. I and my men are currently stationed here."

"My apologies, Master Kenobi. I've heard a great many things about you from my elders."

"Hopefully good things." Kenobi replied dryly.

"We're off topic. Listen, Ophelia needs medical attention, and our ship isn't going anywhere for a while."

"Yes, you're right. Cody, have some of your men take Ophelia to the med bay. Treat her gently."

"Yes sir!" Commander Cody issued orders, and two clones stepped up and picked the injured Mandalorian up, carrying her away to the med bay.

"Now then," Kenobi said, "Cody, prepare the men for battle. We're going to Scalaria to get rid of this droid army. I'm going to contact the Council."

The Jedi Master walked swiftly away, disappearing down a hall.

Cody took off his helmet, eying Nyrin, "What House is your Clan a part of?"

"House Visla. Why?"

"Oh, just curious. What's your status with the Kryze House?"

"Allies. My Clan is pretty small, though, so we don't get involved in anything if we can help it."

"Interesting. You wanna come ride in the same ship as me?"

"Sure. I assume we'll be leaving Ophelia here?"

"Yeah, if you want her back in one piece. She was looking pretty rough, to be honest with you. What exactly happened?"

"Heat seeking missile hit the ship. I think it hit her with shrapnel and the heat of it... well, I could feel it in the gunner's turret, and I was in the opposite end of the ship."

"Tough luck. Well, I've got to get the men ready for battle. I'll show you onto our Star Destroyer."

"Okay." Nyrin bent down, retrieving Ophelia's helmet from the ground, "Let's go."

A short while later, Nyrin was waiting on the bridge of Master Kenobi's Star Destroyer.

The Jedi strode onto the bridge, conversing with Cody as he walked, "The Council said we could go to Scalaria, but to try not to get too many men killed," He informed Nyrin, who nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going. My people need your help."

"Very well. begin the hyperspace procedure!" Kenobi called, receiving acknowledgments from around the bridge as the ship undocked and moved away from the outpost and into position for hyperspace.

"Hyperspace thrusters online and ready, sir." Called a Clone.

"Engage hyperspace thrusters."

The stary sky blurred into star lines as they shot forwards towards Scalaria.

"I'm on my way." Nyrin whispered, "Hang on."

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