Chapter Six

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Nyrin woke to the sound of someone pounding on his door.

"What is it?" He groggily called, rolling out of bed and to his feet. He grimaced, stumbling. His entire body hurt. He must have fallen farther than he thought when his jetpack ran out of fuel yesterday.

Going to the door, he unlocked and opened it. Ebin stood outside.

"Oh, good morning, sir." He said awkwardly, running a hand through his disheveled black hair.

Ebin raised an eyebrow, "If ten is still morning, yes."

"Sorry, sir. I forgot to set my alarm last night. I got back here and collapsed in bed."

"I assume you want to come with us to pick up Ophelia?"

"Yes please."

"Well, hurry it up, then. I'm not going to wait all day."

"I'll be ready in twenty."

Ebin nodded, walking off down the hallway.

Nyrin splashed some water on his face from the sink, then grabbed a new jumpsuit and his armor and hurried down the hallway to the fresher shared by all of the male elites. 

Fifteen minutes later, he emerged, freshly washed and dressed. His bruises felt better now that he had taken a hot shower. He rushed to the kitchens and grabbed something to eat on the go, jokingly saluting the kitchen staff, who all waved.

Exactly twenty minutes after Ebin had left his room, he was standing in the courtyard of the fortress.

Ebin checked his chronometer, "Exactly on time." He and Lena stood there, along with Erin.

"I'm ready to go, sir," Nyrin said, finishing the last bite of his breakfast and putting his helmet on.

"Good." Lena said, folding her arms, "I'm tired of waiting."

Their Clan's dropship stood in the courtyard, having been moved out of its hanger in the mountain. It was two decades old, but it still worked well, and that was all that really mattered.

They boarded, Ebin leaving Jarus to look after everyone while he and Lena were gone.

Erin took the controls, and the other three sat behind her.

Nyrin stared out the window as they lifted off, flying up above the mountains that covered most of the land on the planet.

They reached Outerspace and the sight of yesterday's battle. Remains of Separatist Hyena Droids drifted past.

They shot into Hyperspace. 


The ship exited hyperspace near the Republic Outpost.

Beep, beep! Ebin stood up, answering the comms.

"This is Commander Cody."

"Good morning, Commander. This is Ebin Mare. We're here to pick up Ophelia."

"Acknowledged. Tractoring your ship now."

The ship shuddered as the tractor beam grabbed it and pulled it into a docking bay.

Ebin and Lena disembarked, Erin and Nyrin close behind.

Commander Cody had somehow beaten them to the docking bay. He stood with his helmet under his left arm, waiting for them.

"About time you all showed up." He joked, saluting.

Ebin rolled his eyes, "Someone slept until Ten hundred."

Nyrin scowled at his back.

"Well, you aren't here to joke around with me all day. Let's go see your daughter."

"Yes, please." Lena said, tapping her foot.

Cody led them through the hallways of the outpost, passing multiple squads of Clones. They finally came to the med bay. Swiping his keycard, Cody ushered them in through the now open door. Nyrin stepped in, looking around.

The room had a sterile quality about it. Everything was white, with bright lights for the medics. Beds lined the sides of the room, interspersed with curtains to provide the patients with a bit of privacy. The end of the room opened up to another space, filled with Bacta tanks and shelves that were covered in medical equipment.

Beside one of the tanks stood General Kenobi and a clone medic, conversing quietly. They turned, hearing the Mandalorians and Cody enter.

"Nice of you to join us." Obi-Wan said dryly as they approached him, He nodded to the medic, "This is Kix. He's a part of Anakin Skywalker's legion, which just arrived. Along with Anakin and his Padawan."

Lena stepped forwards, "Enough banter, I want to see my daughter."

"Your daughter? You mean the Mandalorian that was brought in here yesterday?" Asked Kix.


"She's still submerged in Bacta. I haven't brought her out of it yet. She was in pretty rough shape."

One of the tanks in the corner of the room began to beep suddenly.

The medic strode quickly over to it, "It appears she's waking up."

They all stood watching as he typed a series of commands into the tank's console. Nyrin couldn't see inside, as it was fogged up, but it began to clear as Kix opened the top of the tank, releasing a mist of Bacta into the air of the med bay.

This chapter is in celebration of 100 followers! Thank you all so much!

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