Chapter Nine

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Nyrin's clenched right fist slammed into the training droid, making it bend backwards, before pivoting and slamming his left leg into it. 

The droid responded by punching him in the stomach, making him stumble backwards. It launched a flurry of attacks at his head and shoulders. 

He picked off the blows, before throwing a heavy punch into the droid's head, breaking it.

"Not bad, Nyrin. Not bad." Cody commented walking up beside him and examining his handy work, "You pack quite a punch."

"I was taught well." He pulled off his helmet, sighing, "Thanks for the pointers, Cody."

General Kenobi strode into the room.

"General?" Cody asked, saluting.

"At ease, soldier." Obi-Wan said, "We must be going. The Council has called us away to protect Pantora from a Separatist attack force."

"Yes sir." Cody turned back to Nyrin, "Stay safe. It's a dangerous galaxy out there."

"You too."

"May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan nodded to Nyrin and then he and Cody left, leaving Nyrin by himself.

"I suppose I'd better get this droid in for repairs." He muttered, putting his helmet back on and slinging the thing over his shoulder.



The droid joined the pile of droids that Nyrin had beaten up in the last four days.

He bumped into someone as he was walking down the hallway, headed back to his temporary quarters, with his head buried in a holo-tablet.

"Whoa there." The Clone caught him by the shoulders, steadying him, "Who are you?"

Nyrin looked up from his holo-tablet. The Clone stood at the same height as him, armor decorated in the white and blue of the 501st, but with a pauldron not present on the other Clone's.

"I'm Nyrin. You?"

"I am Captain Rex of the 501st. What's a Mandalorian doing at a Republic outpost?"

"Waiting for my friend to heal up so I can go home."

"Really? What exactly happened to your friend?"

"The ship we were in got shot up by battle droids."

"I see. Well, I have to get to a briefing with General Skywalker. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see you around." Nyrin stepped around Rex, going back to reading the latest news reports on the war.


The day had come at last. 

Ophelia opened her eyes, stretching, then, remembering what day it was, shot upright in her bed, excited.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?" Kix inquired, walking up with her breakfast.

"I'm feeling great. I'm ready to get home. Not that being here hasn't been great, of course."

He chuckled, "I feel you. My home is Kamino, but I rarely make it back there because of all the campaigns."

Ophelia scarfed her food in silence, finishing it in minutes. 

She put on her armor for the first time in a week.

Sliding her helmet on, she noticed something, "Kix, did you have something done to my helmet? There're some new functions."

"Yes. I hope you don't mind. I had a friend of mine make a few modifications to help balance your sight, since your right eye was damaged."

"Thanks, Kix! This will really help a lot." She took a moment to examine the new interfaces of the Helmet. The padding had been replaced with new, and there were several pieces of technology attached to the inside, "Night vision? Cool!"

"Come on. Your family should be here to pick you up."


They walked to the shuttle bay in silence, side by side.

Arriving there, Ophelia paused to take in the scene. Her family's shuttle stood in front of her, her parents and Nyrin standing there waiting. 

She locked eyes with Nyrin, but he looked down at the ground.

She turned to Kix and hugged him hard. "Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome. It was, after all, my duty."

She walked over to her parents, who hugged her tightly.

"Let's get you home." Ebin said, putting his hand on her back and guiding her up the ramp.

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