Chapter Four

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"Battle stations!" Obi-Wan Kenobi called as they neared Scalaria, "All fighter pilots to the hangers!"

He turned towards Nyrin, "I assume you want to go planet side?"

"Yes, sir. I would very much appreciate a ride down there. I'm not the best pilot in the world. That's why I had to bring Ophelia with me."

"You can fly with Cody and I."

"Shouldn't we head to the hangers too, sir?" Cody asked.

"Yes, Cody. Just a moment I want to see how bad this invasion force is before I go flying into it."

The Star Destroyer exited hyperspace. Before them was the planet Scalaria and a droid cruiser, swarming with Hyena Droids.

"Not the worst I've faced. Let's go save your Clan." Kenobi said, turning for the elevator, followed swiftly by Cody and Nyrin.

Stepping out of the elevator, Nyrin was immediately met by the sound of ships lifting off and landing crews shouting to one and other.

They crossed the hanger to a LAAT that was waiting for them.

"About time you got here, sir!" Said a clone once them got in.

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm here now. Let's get moving."

"Yes, sir." The ship lifted off, side doors closing and leaving them in the red lights of the ship interior.

"Hold on." The Jedi advised, taking a hold of a handle on the ceiling. Cody did the same.

"If you say so," Nyrin replied, also grabbing one himself.

They entered the atmosphere, and the ship began to buck.

Good thing I'm holding on, Nyrin thought wryly, otherwise I'd have made a fool of myself getting tumbled about in here.

The slats in the doors opened, allowing them to see outside once they neared the ground.

Nyrin saw the army of droids below them as the neared the Mare Clan's fortress, finally crossing over its walls and landing inside.

Ebin and Lena came to meet them.

"I see you brought reinforcements." Ebin remarked, eyeing Nyrin and Kenobi.

"Yes, sir. This is General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi Order."

"A pleasure to meet you," Ebin said shaking his hand, "Now, Nyrin, where is my daughter?" He said, turning to him.

"Er... We had a run in with some Hyena Droids and our ship took a beating."


"And, well, Ophelia took the brunt of the heat seeking missile they sent at us, sir. She's alive, but we had to leave her at the Republic Outpost for medical treatment."

"I see. Well, we'll deal with that problem later. For now, let's go get rid of those droids."

"Indeed," Obi-Wan said, butting into the conversation, "After all, that is why I'm here."

"Let's go kill some battle droids, then."

Ebin ignited his jetpack, calling his Elite Guard to follow him, and swooped up and over the wall.

"I assume you're going to fight on the ground?" Nyrin asked.

"Yes." Kenobi walked swiftly off to join Cody and a squad of Clones who were waiting for him at the gate.

Nyrin also ignited his jetpack, flying to join the rest of the Elite Guard.

"About time you joined us," Jarus, one of Nyrin's fellow Guards, joked.

"Yeah, well, I've been busy."

"Just glad you're here now, kid."

"When are you going to stop calling me kid? I'm nearly eighteen, for the galaxy's sake!"

"Maybe when you have grey in your beard." Jarus replied, as they flew over the droids, dodging shots and returning ones of their own.

"I don't even have a beard!" Nyrin protested.

"Exactly." Jarus chuckled, veering off from the main group of Guards to help a group of clones that had gotten surrounded.

Nyrin shot off a wrist rocket, exploding a group of droids.

His jetpack sputtered a bit.

"Great. I'm running out of fuel." He muttered, preparing to land.

His jetpack suddenly cut, dropping him unceremoniously to the ground. 

He rolled to his feet, bringing his heavy-duty large blaster to bear on a squad of droids, gunning them down.

Nyrin looked about him. There were multiple clones all around him, also shooting down the droids.

He took off on a short sprint across the frozen and snowy battlefield, arriving shortly behind a barricade. From there, he proceeded to turn more droids into spare parts.

"Hello there."

Nyrin started, turning to see Obi-Wan Kenobi standing behind him.

I wish he would stop doing that, Nyrin thought irritably.

"Hello there to you too." He replied, sighing.

"Come to join the ground battle?"

"My jet pack ran out of fuel."

"Hmm. Seems like a bit of a predicament."

"Yeah, you could say that. I'm a good fighter on the ground as well as in the air, though."

"I see that. You made quick work of those droids."

"Thanks." Nyrin ducked as a blaster bolt seared the air beside his head, "I think we'd better get back to the battle, General Kenobi. I don't fancy getting shot."

"Indeed." Obi-Wan vaulted over the barricade, cutting down droids as he moved swiftly and surely across the battlefield, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.

Nyrin shook his head, before standing up to shoot several droids that were getting a little close to the barricade.

"I just hope Ophelia is still alive when we get back to the outpost. Otherwise, I'm going to have some explaining to do to her father about how I didn't protect her..." Nyrin muttered as he took down more droids.

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