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jiro - "デルフィンって誰ですか?" (Who is Delphine?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "私たちの注文を受けた女の子." (The girl that took our order) My dad said to me.

jiro - "彼女の名前をどうやって知っていますか?" (How do you know her name?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "彼女の名札に書いてあるよ、バカ" (It's written on her name tag, idiot) My dad said to me.

jiro - "私をバカと呼ぶ必要はなかった." (You didn't have to call me idiot) I said to my dad.

jr's dad - "あなたは馬鹿です" (You are an idiot) My dad said to me.

⇒ I scoffed.

jr's dad - "彼女もとても美しいです" (She is also very beautiful) My dad said to me.

jiro - "なぜ彼女のことを話しているのですか?" (Why are you talking about her?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "次郎!" (Jiro!) My dad yelled out.

jiro - "はい?" (Yes?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "彼女はあなたのガールフレンドになるべきです" (She should be your girlfriend) My dad said to me.

jiro - "何?!" (What?!) I asked my dad dumbfounded.

??? - "Order for Jiro!" She yelled out.



⇒ I was still blown away by what my dad just told me. I went up to the counter where our order was and of course, she was the one that was standing there.

??? - "Your order is ready." She said to me.

⇒ I grabbed the tray from her hands and went back to the table. I went back to the table and saw that my dad was scrolling through this phone which was unusual.

jiro - "お父さん、何をしているの?" (Dad, what are you doing?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "出会い系アプリを見つけました" (I found a dating app) My dad said to me.

jiro - "出会い系アプリで何してるの?" (What are you doing on a dating app?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "私はあなたのために出会い系アプリを使っています" (I'm using dating apps for you) My dad said to me.

jiro - "私にとって?なぜ?" (For me? Why?) I asked my dad.

jr's dad - "あなたにガールフレンドを見つけるために" (To find you a girlfriend) My dad said to me.

jiro - "アプリを削除する" (Delete the app) I said to my dad.

jr's dad - "いいえ、しません" (I will not do it) My dad said to me.

𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙋𝙀𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙔 𝙄𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 | 𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙒 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔Where stories live. Discover now