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julia - "You're still short." She said to me.

delphine - "Haha, very funny." I said to Julia.

julia - "I mean, Chloé and I have been gone for about a year and you still haven't grown." She said to me.

delphine - "I get it, Julia. I'm short and I'm never going to grow....can you stop being rude to me for once?" I asked Julia.

julia - "je ne sais pas, peut-être pas" (I don't know, maybe not) She said to me.

⇒ I sighed. Yep....those are my sisters.


                               { DELPHINE'S POV }
                                     { TIME SKIPS }

⇒ We all were at the dining room table catching up.

mom - "So Chloé and Julia, how was California?" She asked Chloé and Julia.

chloé - "It was amazing! Tante Béatrice and oncle Fabien took us to various places in LA and it was so great, Julia and I had a wonderful time." She said to mom and dad.

dad - "That's great chéries." (darlings) He said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "I didn't want to leave and come back here." She said to mom and dad.

dad - "Julia, nous ne t'avons pas manqué ?" (Julia, didn't you miss us?) Dad asked Julia.

julia - "Vous m'avez tous manqué, mais je ne voulais pas revenir ici où je ne suis pas heureux" (I did missed you all, but I didn't want to come back here where I'm not happy) She said to dad.

⇒ Julia is a self-centered, inconsiderate, wrapped in oneself, spoiled brat that only thinks about herself. Julia is like this because my tante Beatrice and oncle Fabien have spoiled her ever since she was a kid. Even thought Julia is only 14 years old, she acts like this.

mom - "Why aren't you happy here?" She asked Julia.

julia - "I feel like I could be happier." She said to mom.

⇒ I cleared my throat.

delphine - "Just admit it Julia, you aren't happy because of us." I said to Julia.

dad - "Delphine, fais attention à ce que tu dis" (Delphine, be careful what you say) Dad said to me.

delphine - "It's true papa, Julia isn't happy because we can't provide for  her of what she wants." I said to mom and dad.

mom - "Delphine ! c'est assez!" (Delphine! That's enough!) Mom yelled at me.

⇒ I got silent.

chloé - "C-can we just change the subject?" She asked all of us.

mom - "You're right chérie, let's change the subject." She said to Chloé.

mom - "Oh! Delphine had a boy over here." She said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "Wait, what? Is this some kind of joke?" She asked mom.

delphine - "Maman (mom) worded it wrong. I had a classmate that is a boy over to do a class project." I said to Chloé and Julia.

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