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jiro - "You need to teach me French because you speak it to me sometimes and you know I don't understand you." He said to me.

delphine - "Jiro, stop changing the subject." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro sighed.

jiro - "Remember when I told you that I had something to tell you?" He asked me.

⇒ I nodded.

jiro - "What I had to tell you is-" He said to me but someone cut him off.

nalerie - "Delphine, there you are-" She said to me but she cut herself off.

⇒ Nalerie's eyes widened as she saw Jiro's arm wrapped around my shoulders. I quickly removed Jiro's arm from my shoulders and adjusted myself.

nalerie - "What did I just see?" She asked me.

delphine - "N-nothing, let's just go to class." I said going inside the class with Nalerie.



⇒ The girls stayed after class to finish their assignment but I left but I ran into Adélard in the hallway.

delphine - "Adélard! You scared me!" I said to Adélard.

adélard - "Sorry....where's your boyfriend?" He asked me.

delphine - "My what?" I asked Adélard.

adélard - "Your boyfriend, you said you had a boyfriend, right? Unless, he's not actually your boyfriend." He said to me.

jiro - "I'm right here." He said to Adélard.

⇒ Jiro came out of class and went towards me and Adélard and threw his arm around my shoulders again. Once Adélard saw Jiro, he was upset.

adélard - "si vous sortez vraiment ensemble, alors embrassez-vous." (If you're really dating, then kiss) He said to me.

delphine - "What?!" I asked Adélard dumbfounded.

jiro - "What did he say?" He asked me.

delphine - "Adélard wants us to kiss." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro choked on his saliva and I patted his back so he could stop choking.

adélard - "So, you two aren't actually dating then?" He asked me and Jiro.

jiro - "No, we are." He said to Adélard.

⇒ Jiro quickly kissed me on the cheek making Adélard scoff.

jiro - "Did we prove your point?" He asked Adélard.

adélard - "dis moi que c'est une blague." (Tell me this is a joke) Kiss on the lips." He said to me and Jiro.

⇒ I gulped my saliva. Jiro and I looked at each other awkwardly. We were leaning to each other slowly until someone interrupted us.

student - "You're blocking the hallway, please move!" She yelled at all of us.

⇒ Jiro grabbed my hand and led us somewhere else.


⇒ Jiro and I were eating lunch together.

delphine - "That was intense, right?" I asked Jiro.

𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙋𝙀𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙔 𝙄𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 | 𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙒 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔Where stories live. Discover now