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⇒ Delphine stood on her tippy toes to meet my face and she cupped my cheeks in her small hands and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. Delphine has the softest lips ever and it felt good to always place my lips on hers.

⇒ Delphine broke the kiss and looked at me and smiled.

delphine - "That's all I wanted to hear." She said to me.

⇒ I smiled.

jiro - "I'm sorry for telling you to forget the kiss, I couldn't forget it myself." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "I forgive you." She said to me.

jiro - "Thank you....Je t'aime." (I love you) I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine smiled as she heard French come out of my mouth.

delphine - "Je t'aime aussi." (I love you too) She said to me with a smile.

⇒ I smiled and kissed Delphine once again.



⇒ Jiro and I held hands as we walked in the cafeteria.

nalerie - "Oh my goodness!! Jiro and Delphine holding hands?! Did it finally happen?!" She asked me and Jiro excitedly.

⇒ I laughed and nodded.

annalise - "Oh my gosh, finally!! I totally shipped you two from the start." She said to me and Jiro.

jiro - "Really?" He asked Annalise dumbfounded.

annalise - "Yes, really! I'm so happy for the both of you." She said to me and Jiro.

⇒ Jiro and I thanked her.

dante - "So you thought this was okay to not tell us all about this? How could you?" He asked Jiro.

jiro - "Before, Delphine and I were pretending to be a couple but we're not pretending anymore, we're official." He said to Dante.

tyrone - "Is this the real Jiro? Because the Jiro I know didn't do relationships." He said to Jiro.

jiro - "I have changed, I know I found the right woman to be with." He said to Tyrone while looking at me.

⇒ I smiled.

adélard - "So that was all pretend?! tu penses que je suis un idiot ou quelque chose comme ça ?!" (Do you think I'm an idiot or something?!) He yelled at me.

delphine - "Adélard, wait-" I said to Adélard but he cut me off.

adélard - "oublie tout ça." (Forget all that) He said to me walking out of the cafeteria.

jiro - "Delphine, what's going on?" He asked me.

delphine - "Adélard found out, I'm going to go talk to him, I will be back." I said to Jiro.

⇒ I let go of Jiro's hand and went after Adélard.


⇒ Adélard was a fast walker but I caught up to him.

delphine - "Adélard, wait." I said to Adélard.

adélard - "Leave me alone, Delphine." He said to me.

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