Project Demi-God (Extra)

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Project Demi-God, run by Lügner B. Peccator with funds and staff allocated by the German Federal Cabinet. Lügner 'recruited' the six most ideal subjects from across the globe to partake in his experiment and from there he infused them with six different God Fragments he had collected for his project.

While most of the subjects seemed to be doing well at first aside from 01 who began showing signs of mental deterioration within a week, the other subjects appeared to be strong and even began showing signs of their God Fragments manifesting.

All aside from the oh so troublesome 01, who aside from showing signs of a deteriorating mental has also started developing potentially dangerous tendencies, although Lügner says 01 being different from the other five will show us how an unsuitable vessel will differ from a strong one, which is why 01 was put into the same training as the other five.

To say it was majorly unfair for 01 would be an understatement seeing as the training the other five and in turn himself were being put through was very strenuous, while he struggled on any and every test the other five excelled due to the ability to utilize their God Fragments.

Aside from physical tests to see the extent of the God Fragments and their power there were also mental tests to see if the God Fragments enhanced the intelligence or other mental abilities of the subjects. Not much to our surprise 01 fell behind although it was discovered he had an incredible natural intellect when in a sound state of mind.

Aside from the subjects and tests there have been rumors among the other researchers that 01 is strange so to speak. Some say when he's alone with only one of the staff he'll go on incoherent ramblings, none of which have been successfully recorded due to how incomprehensive 01 tends to be during them, others say he'll sit against the wall on occasion and draw on the walls with his finger, although he can't really draw anything without some way to leave marks.

Others who are near him more often say that sometimes during his incoherent ramblings they catch glimpses of words that are actually comprehensive, although still too hard to understand due to the way he talks.

Aside from 01 the lab staff say the other five are quite pleasant conversationalists, although at times say words in their native language that the researchers don't know. Sometimes staff will manage to sneak treats of varying types to the subjects like candy, peanuts or other such treats not easy to get on site. Some few staff will even drop something off for 01, although most try to avoid him and even when staff attempt friendly interaction most they end up getting are more ramblings.

Although, there was one time 01 held friendly conversation with someone and was in a sound state of mind to have said conversation, it was after about [Redacted] of the project when an advisor from the Cabinet came to see how the experiment was going. Said advisor was a personal secretary to one of the higher ups and 01 apparently caught her attention when passing his room. 01 was sitting in his room, surprisingly calm and cohesive when the secretary decided to attempt talking to him even knowing his inconsistent nature during the briefing on the test subjects.

The secretary entered the room and 01 looked up, eyes clear blue and calm like they were before the God Fragment was infused into him.


While only a simple greeting it was surprising to all present of the project due to the fact 01 almost always rambled on about nonsense soon after first being infused.

"Hello there 01."

01 was slightly surprised about her knowing the designation he was given but quickly returned to his previous state, likely realizing she was well informed of the project.

"The others say you're incomprehensive most times 01, could you tell me why that is?"

"The fragment, it disagrees with me..."

"How does the fragment disagree with you 01?"

"It tells me to relent to it, to give in, to become like the others."

"Could you elaborate 01?"


01 was silent, not even moving, as if frozen in place.

Then he stood

He looked up toward the researchers and secretary present, but it was not 01.

His eyes blood red as if bleeding and his face blank as if the muscles in his face were unresponsive.

He approached.

Momentarily everyone was still, until he moved a step closer.

As soon as he took the second step, everyone ran.

01 dashed forward still expressionless and attempted to attack one of the researchers in the room, but they were just barely quick enough, by time 01 stood again everyone that was in the room was gone, the room sealed shut as always and 01 left with his thoughts.

He collapsed, passed out on the ground like he is frequently found.

For now.

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