Staff file, Security Drone S. (Extra)

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Staff file for new head of security: Serial Designation S.

"Recently deployed by the higher ups of JCJ he is a drone the company doesn't even remember making, they didn't even have a particular reason to send him other then a "gut feeling". I would complain but based on appearance and how professional he seems I have high hopes. Hopefully he'll be able to keep those damn solver drones in check, sometimes they get a bit too feisty."

Drone Model: 'Dues' 

"The meaning of the name is unknown, apparently it's a dead language, how whoever made him named him in a dead language I don't wanna know. Considering how one of a kind he is there's three possibilities: either his model was so sub-par he was the only one made (I really hope not).

His model was so complicated and expensive that it was practically impossible to make another (this option gives us most hope for our safety).

Or, he was made between the old gen drones and the new gen ones at the perfect in-between that more of his model were never made due to most factories starting production of new gen right after the old gens (this one is the most likely)."

Abilities: Minimally Known.

"The company not remembering making him also means we don't know much about what he's capable of, the eyes along the sides of his face are likely different types of vision although it's hard to confirm without direct questioning. Aside from that tiny detail that can't even be confirmed with ease we don't know anything. Although the height difference between him and most any other drones does prove promising seeing as most drones are made on the shorter size for cost and efficiency reasons."

Employee Photo: [Image Redacted]

Appearance: "S' appearance is far from standard to any model with a staggering height of 6'1 as opposed to the WD 4'3, aside from his height his primary eyes are blue as opposed to the pale white of most all drones worker or otherwise, he also bares two compound like camera lenses on both sides of his face as previously mentioned. Said 'eyes' are almost unnoticeable unless you look closely, they aren't tiny per-se but they're small, but it's not the size that hides them, it's the effect of them."

"Whenever most staff have glanced at the eyes they've said at times the eyes are seemingly non-existent and when they try to truly focus on where they know the eyes to be their mind dissuades them from looking too closely, almost as if their mind doesn't want to recognize them as being there in the first place, the drones who have interacted with him have also been asked about the eyes and have stated similar to the human staff in what they experience."

"Next, the body appearance. Unlike most the alloy and plastic used for workers and specialty drones that appears white and clean, S appears to be made of something entirely different, almost 'divine' as some have said when they aren't entirely focused on what they're saying."

"We've attempted to figure out what material is used in his construction, but no materials seem to match the visual properties of 'divine' no matter how it's alloyed or used, it's as if he's made of something never seen on any planet nor moon before, as if from a whole different dimension far out of reach, it truly is 'Divine' when you think upon it."

Personality: "S, according to both human and drone staff alike, is professional at most times, yet casual at others, he could be considered the perfect fit to any setting from business meeting with a higher up, to a bar party. Hearing of someone, human or drone, who can change how they act to be completely different on a dime is quite impressive, it certainly requires more research although we can't really turn him into one of our subjects seeing as he isn't infected and acts as our safety net."

Headwear: "S wears a head of silvery hair, unlike most drones that have varying bright colors and wears an odd hat atop said hair. The hat resembles that of someone in high military power with major differences, it is nothing near what has ever been used in any militaries within recorded history and as such is quite the object of intrigue, he is never seen taking it off wearing it seemingly 24/7

"Thus concludes our staff file for SD-S. To you who may read this I do hope you have good  reason because these things are classified, now I must be off, good day."

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