2k 'special' chp ;)

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timeline-wise this extra takes place after the finale (which has yet to be written) Also don't question how this fits into the timeline, idfk.

Today was a 'special' day, more-so a once in a lifetime thing, since J actually asked you for something. Most times she'll hint that she wants something and try to avoid directly asking whenever she can but today she actually asked directly, and when thinking on it it's not surprising since indirectly asking for something like this would be near impossible. What J wanted was to see the pod you landed on way back before the core collapse, which was a weird thing to wanna see but she probably wanted to see how it differed from theirs and what kind of equipment you had onboard. While J had many weird interests such as [Redacted], wanting to see the ship you came in was a different kind of weird, alas you two now flew over the destroyed cities and snow covered landscapes toward what used to be the lab, your pod was kept down in the lower floors in case they needed to send you off somewhere but it never ended up used and as such has been sitting down there since the collapse.

You both reached the upper labs, J seeming more eager than ever, and began the descent down the stairs into the depths, her seeming more eager with each step. By time you reached the bottom J was practically vibrating in place as she followed you down the halls toward where the pod was kept.

Endless halls and vacant rooms, after traveling the labyrinth you reached the room and J had finally calmed down as you walked through the barely functioning doors. The pod was kept in the center of a dim room, with bracings and padding along the surfaces to avoid damage to it. J raced around the pod, inspecting every inch of the outside, even crawling underneath it at one point.

After thorough inspection J sped toward the door, clearly wanting to inspect everything inside with great detail, and upon opening the heavy door built to keep out heat and the vacuum of space she was inside in an instant. When within she did the same as the outside, practically picking apart the ship. She stopped to inspect some items you had on the ship that never got removed before eventually slowing down to a stop.

She sat down on the only seat in the pod, the one you were strapped to for who knows how long before finally landing. A blush grew across her face as she anxiously looked around before she looked at you.

"Hey S, what are we?"


J was unable to sit still with how nervous she was, which was kinda fun to watch.

"What's our... Relationship?"

Ah, so that's what she was after... A smirk grew across your face as you walked towards her and pinned her in the chair, putting your arms on either side of her to keep her from escaping. Her blush grew as she attempted to sink deeper into the chair, her escape was no more when you sat atop her, hooking your legs under the arm rests of the chair to prevent her jumping up.

"Hey J, ain't it adorable how you act tough in front of the others but as soon as I get near you break into a puddle of goo?"

She shivered as you whispered into her ear and she tried to make a retort, which was quickly stopped as you put your fingers to her lips. You ran your hands along her head as you breathed down her neck, each stroke made her squirm and each breath made her shiver, she was unable to sit still and incapable of large movement, being kept right where you wanted her, a perfect in-between that would make her go mad.

J was gasping for air, grasping at your body, trying to get a steady grasp, but she was given zero reprieve as you bit into her neck, drawing oil. You licked up what she bled, biting deeper into her metal flesh as she tried repressing her moans. After a bit of biting she did something unexpected and bit back, it hurt but also made it more fun, you bit her and she bit you. She bit around your neck and eventually reached your face to which she bit your cheek, when she did you bit her lip and grabbed the sides of her face, pulling her into a kiss. While unexpected she kissed back as you slid your hands along her form, biting her bottom lip on occasion. At one point she attempted to slide her tongue into your mouth, but was met with you pushing back and deepening the kiss and restricting her breathing.

J started to heat up, embracing you as she was toyed with, her brain started shutting off, all she could think about was you and how good she felt being trapped under you as you gave her every bit of love you could, her limbs started losing their grip as her mind started fading, whether from the pleasure or not she was unsure but when she finally realized what was happening it was too late, and she shut off from overheating.

J fell limp, she breathed deep and long as she radiated heat, while she obviously enjoyed it she might've pushed herself a bit too much in enjoying every moment. You lifted her from the chair, careful not to burn yourself and left the pod, into the halls and up the stairs. Upon exiting the doors of the lab you spread your wings and took to the skies, flying back toward the spire. When you finally reached the spire J had begun cooling off faster, no longer at potentially dangerous temperatures. You flew to her perch near the top of the spire and laid her down inside it, giving her one final kiss before leaving her to cool off and reboot.

eh? eh? whadya think? the MD crew seemed to like it a lot but ima ask anyway. by time you read this i'll prob have started work on one of the other planned extra chapters, who knows. anyway, hopefully this chapter's been satisfactory lol, lmk what you thought. (Also you can blame my friend for giving me the idea of zero warning lmao)


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