God Fragment research file (Extra)

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"God Fragments" an object discovered by Lügner B. Peccator. According to him, pieces of gods long dead and/or forgotten that have manifested on earth.

According to Lügner, the fragments are extremely rare as he was only able to find 6 total for Project Demi-God even after the vast amounts of searching done to find them.

Although Lügner claims they're pieces of gods, some of us are skeptical about such a thing. Some of us think they're natural forming crystals left undiscovered or lost for centuries that have been growing and absorbing power since they first started. 

When Lügner first showed us one of the fragments the staff found it extremely interesting, we could feel the power radiating off of it but when one of the staff went to touch it Lügner pulled it away saying if we carelessly touched it we could be incinerated on the spot.

If they truly are so deadly why the hell are we putting them into children that're supposedly suitable? Seems pretty dumb when you think logically about it.

Also if they're 'fragments' as Lügner says where are the other pieces? Wouldn't it be a better idea to have all pieces infused into a subject to increase the stability of it? Surely a piece of a god on it's own isn't safe...

Another thing, if these do what Lügner says and grant divinity why try putting them into a bunch of kids rather then our own soldiers? I highly doubt these kids will be all that wiling to fight for us, especially when they have the power of gods and don't have to do what we say, it'd be much more logical to put them into our soldiers who are loyal to our country. But, i can't really say much about these things against Lügner seeing as he's being supported by the Cabinet, and if he felt like it he could probably have me executed for treason or something, i just hope this doesn't get us all killed...

Again though, why do these kids have to be from all over the world? surely we have at least six 'suitable' people within Germany, and why kids? Lügner said they have to be under the age of 21 to be usable within testing, but surely a piece of god isn't picky between child, adult and senior. If these things grant such immense then wouldn't giving them to older people help? Although it's possible an older body would be too frail for a piece of god... Maybe that's why they have to be children? Young and healthy body means low chance of a fragment destroying them due to being old and fragile, and them being young means they'll be more effective for physical tests...

Maybe Lügner isn't as nonsensical as i first thought... I'm still not too sure about using foreign people for such a project though, what even makes a person suitable for a fragment? Does Lügner even know or is he just bullshitting us? I highly doubt a dead god told him, it's dead!

Maybe a gut feeling? He did say he studied the fragment he found for 2 plus years so i guess he'd know more then any of us how it works...

Aside from that we've found four out of six suitable subjects by Lügner's standards, they're quite childish which isn't surprising of a bunch of teenagers but the first one we collected is slightly unsettling to be around, as if he's judging your very soul, it's creepy as fuck and i don't think i'm the only one who thinks that.

Anyway i think that's all the info to log about the fragments and our current progress, i should finish and put this into the archive before Lügner accuses me of procrastinating on the project...

https://discord.gg/RthwFxJ4Rz join the discord cause there's hella lore you can learn there that's not written here. Also i know i said last chapter would be the final extra for now but i had to write this chapter out to get base lore down, also i still barely know wtf to write in chapter 1

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