Chapter 1: Awake

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You open your eyes.

Looking around you is nothing but a black abyss.

"Where am I?"

"We're in your mind since I have yet to wake you up."

"And who're you? If this is my mind why are you in it?"

"I am here because I was unable to kill you and as such serve you."

"...Why were you trying to kill me?"

"So I could inhabit your body, my original one is long dead and I'd understandably need a new one."

"What are you then? A parasite?"

Le gasp "Honestly how could you call me such a thing! I am a God! Get it right, smh smh."


"So you're in my head, why again?"

"Because, the one you call 'Lügner' infused one of my fragments into you and I failed to kill you as my siblings did the others, and seeing as being unable to kill you is a defeat on my part I serve you, considering you technically beat me that much is to be expected. From now on you may call me Aegis."

"If you're in my head can you even do anything to 'serve me' as you say?"

"You'll see with time, until then you have work to do, there are pieces we must find and retrieve."

"Get up, S!"

You jolt awake.

'A dream? It was a pretty weird dream... Although it was pretty realistic.'

'Maybe it wasn't just a dream? Aegis seemed pretty convincing, and I still can't remember shit...'

'Although you can't remember your name, Aegis called you 'S', maybe later you could ask her what your real name is? Or maybe someone here in the real world knows?'

'Where even is the 'real world'? You're in a house but who's is it? Is it yours? Maybe it belongs to your parents or something?'

You get out of the bed and look at a mirror on the wall, in it you see yourself, you're wearing a black hoodie and a pair of pants that reminded you of sweatpants, although they weren't, it was like a weird amalgam, they were loose fitting and comfortable yet kept you cool. Aside from that you had near pitch black hair.

Although everything looked normal you weren't quite sure why you were wearing a hoodie, especially a black one in this heat but something told you to keep it on no matter the reason...

But if your gut told you to keep it on, surely there was something interesting underneath?

But then again if you were this conflicted about it it might be smarter to leave it be...

You take off the hoodie.

Underneath is a white T-shirt, immediately you know why you felt like keeping the hoodie on.

Along your arms are markings resembling tattoos, but they weren't which you found out rather quickly when you slid your finger along them and felt them indented into your flesh and skin.

You lifted your shirt and looked in the mirror again, the markings not only covered your arms but your entire body as well.

'Guess I won't be taking the hoodie off anytime soon...'

Putting your upper clothing back on to keep the markings hidden you make your way out of the room and into the rest of the house, it was... Quiet to say the least. Making your way down the hallway there were multiple rooms, you assumed more bedrooms but didn't feel like checking each one and potentially walking in on someone.

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