Chapter 3: Precognition

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You wake up.

Did you? You were on a rooftop looking down right now, did you zone out? Surely you didn't fall asleep on a rooftop. You didn't know where you were either, there were buildings everywhere as if a city but they were all damaged or destroyed, and the terrain was all covered in snow and frozen, there were also some human skeletons all around which was odd.

You also noticed your body was... Weird. You had metal wings on your back however the fuck that worked and you noticed you had a tail filled with a strange blue liquid whatever that was, you also noticed you had improved vision in more ways then one. You felt the sides of your face where you were pretty sure the vision was at.

On the side of your face going back along your cheeks were a pair of eyes, with the same being on the other side of your face, the eyes were a bit... Different from your normal ones, they felt more solid than digital like the ones on your visor, if you had to compare them to something you'd probably compare them to compact camera lenses but small.

They felt more effective than your visor eyes too, as if nothing could hide from them. You decided to do a test, you tried to change how you saw like some cameras could, you tried focusing and trying to see in infrared, it didn't work.

But then it did, it was... REALLY blinding, then you got used to it and it was just weird, all around was blue of varying shades and a few random spots of orange, and a large spot of reddish orange in the distance, you couldn't tell what it was not only due to the distance that was so great the object looked small but because the infrared showed temperature rather then fine details.

You turned infrared off and looked at where the object was, from where you were it looked like a blob, you tried to zoom in just like with the infrared your vision zoomed in a LOT it was very disorienting zooming in so suddenly and you stumbled a bit. Once steady on your feet you looked back at the object and saw a massive pile of worker drones, unmoving and unresponsive, likely dead considering their current state. It reminded you a lot of the piles all around the dump actually.

Off to the side you saw a WD with purple hair, 'since when did common workers have hair?' That was moving towards the pile, it was then you noticed a big opening in the pile. 'Maybe it's hollow?' You jumped off the roof and flew towards the pile, the flying felt natural but weird. When you got closer to the pile you repositioned yourself on another building far enough away from the pile you wouldn't be seen but close enough you could see inside some.

After a while you saw another drone fly into the pile, it wasn't one you recognized though. It had wings like yours but you knew there were no other drones the same kind as you, more accurately it was impossible for another drone to be the same type as you. After a couple of minutes you saw a bright green laser plow through the wall of the pile and off into the night sky, you didn't need infrared to know it was hot, looking back at the newly made hole you saw the drone that flew in stand up and regrow its head, likely being the receiver of the laser, how it regrew its head you did not wanna know cause that's creepy as hell.

The 2 had a chat about something you couldn't hear and went into a giant robot spider thing in the center, after a couple more minutes two more of the robots flew into the pile, one of which looked a little bit like J for some reason, although that shouldn't be possible. Maybe you're hallucinating?

Your eyes shoot open, you're in a dark room right now but quickly realize it's yours, Tessa put you in it saying you needed your own room or something along the lines, fortunately it was one of the many unused rooms so there was next to no chance of anyone finding out.

'Another dream? It felt odd, what happened to the planet? I swear I'm going insane or something...'

You leave the room and are greeted by N, one of the more recent drones Tessa managed to fix up, N much unlike J was friendly to anyone and everyone, like a dog. It was funny sometimes but on rare occasion it was kinda annoying.

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