S&J Sittin in a tree- (extra)

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At this point I've just accepted that this story is a ship with J lmao, and as such I'm making this extra chapter timelined during the manor era and maybe one more later on for more character bonding (don't expect anything grade A, idfk how building a relationship works all that well💀)

J had been doing decent in the manor since her arrival, although there were still minor issues at times. She was inefficient as hell... When she did a task she took nearly twice as long to complete it with a similar result to yourself, which was problematic because a slow drone didn't last long. As such you were gonna drag her along with you and teach her how to be more efficient with her work, and hopefully avoid getting in trouble with Tessa's parents.

J's problem was she was such a perfectionist that it got in the way since even a speck of dust would cause her issue, as such you were gonna do a bit of 'immersive therapy'. While you went around showing J more efficient ways of cleaning you'd have a small splotch of dirt on your face, which while unnoticeable to most anyone, J would more then be distracted by the whole time and to remain efficient in her cleaning she'd have to learn to ignore small things. Once she got over the fine details unnoticeable to humans and most drones she'd be one of the most efficient drones within the manor, therefore avoiding being decommissioned.

And so J followed you while you consulted her on the schedule you'd both have today.

"J, do you know why you're so slow? It's because you're too picky about how clean something is. Most humans can't see dirt on the level we can and as such you need to be able to determine what is and isn't something that needs to be cleaned. While it's good that you want to make everything perfectly clean it also slows you down drastically, which the heads of house won't like. As such I will be directly teaching you methods to make your cleaning faster and to help you get over your need to make it perfect. Understand?"

"You have dirt on your face...."

"That's because I will be acting as a constant impurity where you clean, once you learn to ignore unimportant details you will be faster."

J was irked, whether by the fact you had dirt on your face on purpose or the fact you called her slow was unknown. She started her cleaning as usual following your instructions, what annoyed her most is when you chastised her like a child for attempting to clean unimportant areas. While being clean wasn't problematic her obsession with perfection and slow clean speed were, and as such you'd get it into her head she needed to be efficient by cutting out useless objectives.

Chore after chore she cleaned, occasionally glaring at you and being chastised just as much. Eventually she finished her work with improvement to her efficiency but it was still sub-par, which meant you'd have to do this multiple times. As you walked with J back toward the rooms she stopped, prompting you to turn to her. She stood staring at you before walking close till she was in front of you, and then she tackled you.

You didn't know why until she started wiping at your face with the corner of her dress. The dirt splotch was really getting to her....

"J... You could've just told me to wash my face rather than tackle me...."

"This is faster, plus it's payback so just deal with it."

She attempted to glare but unfortunately your instincts took over and you pet her head, basically one-shotting her facade. Her face became a broken mix of a blush and a glare as she attempted to regain control of herself. In an attempt to maintain some of her dignity she punched your shoulder before running off.

The cycle repeated for a few days, thankfully with no more tackling. J cleaned while getting distracted less and less, getting more efficient as time went on. And while you weren't tackled she still insisted on cleaning you up even if you didn't have dirt upon your face. Maybe it'd become a habit for her?

Today was what seemed to be the final day of J's immersive therapy, she had become efficient just as you planned and ignored any unnecessary cleaning. You walked down the hallway like always, stopping and turning to her to give her congratulatory words.

"J, I am happy to tell you that you've passed my training. You may continue your chores without me as long as you don't revert. Which I advise against since it'd be problematic..."

She stared at you as if you'd grown a third head, which you didn't, you checked. Before talking once more.

"Is that really it? It seemed too easy... Also if we're done you shouldn't give me a reward or something..."

She whispered the last part but clearly not quiet enough since you heard her, but she did have a point. Such progress in such a short time was impressive and deserved her a reward.

You went to her as she stared anxiously, you hugged her tight and lifted her up while she struggled in vain. She attempted to move and say she didn't like it but her body betrayed her as she sunk into your embrace, lying on your shoulder and wrapping her arms around your neck. You held her close, running your fingers through her hair as she began to let out a sound akin to a cat's purr. It was comforting to listen to even if she didn't know she was making it.

You walked off, J still in your arms and around your neck, holding on like you were the last living thing on earth as she got more comfortable in your embrace. You reached your destination, that being her room, and went in. Quiet not to disturb the comfortable cat that had laid itself in your arms as you moved to lay yourself and her in the bed. She held tightly when her orientation shifted and relaxed once more when you were both steady within the comforts of the mattress. In your final moments of consciousness you pulled her as close as you could, never to let her go again.

That's that, good thing i managed to get this one out before 2k reads, you'll prob know why once you see it ;)

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