request for research funding (Extra)

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Request for funding from scientist Lügner B. Peccator to the Federal Cabinet of Germany, meeting transcribed by local transcriber of the Cabinet.

"Gentlemen of the Federal Cabinet, I am Lügner B. Peccator. I am here before you today to request funding for a revolutionary project I am working on, I call it: Project Demi-God!"

"My objective with this project is to be able to recreate Gods using pieces of long forgotten and dead Gods and infusing them into selected candidates to turn them into divine vessels, with divinity infused into them they'll be able to call upon the power of the god fragment within them and even make it their own potentially turning them into Gods upon the earth with time."

"Lügner.... What makes you think your project will work?"

"I have done more then a decade of research into the divine and how they function and exist, and i'm sure with suitable funding and strong test subjects the project will be a success and we will wield the power of Gods!"

"What can you provide to prove funding your project will be worthwhile? We cannot simply throw money at you without proof, especially for such a risky project."

"I brought with me the proof of my inevitable success!"

Lügner reaches into his bag and pulls out a vial containing a small glowing shard

"I call this, a God Fragment. By infusing this fragment into a suitable subject it will give them the power of the shard and grant them the power of the god it comes from."

"Where did you find this "God Fragment" Lügner?"

"I found it during my decade of research on a trip out of the country, I discovered the fragment itself in the ruins of a civilisation long forgotten by the world, the name of which isn't even known. "

"And how do you know the fragment is from the 'divine' as you say?"

"I spent 2 years after finding the fragment studying it and I have found immense power within it, enough power that it could theoretically power Berlin for a decade before fading!"

The Cabinet sits in silence, glancing between each other.

"Lügner B. Peccator, we of the Federal Cabinet have decided to grant you the resources and money needed for your experiment, you are to move to the lab provided unto you in the coming week and utilize the scientists allocated to further your project, find suitable subjects and bring before us Gods made by man, understood?"

"Yes, of course! I shall not disappoint! I shall get to work immediately!"

Lügner leaves, heading back to his apartment to prepare. If he's going to devote his 100% to the project he has to be ready to live in the lab and as such must bring everything he needs. He must not disappoint, he must recreate Divinity, he must prove his worthiness to any and all. join the discord, not only can you get early access to chapters you can also get extra lore an shit

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