Chapter 24

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Warning! Sad chapter I'm sorry... Next one will be better 😅

POV: Charles

I decide to make a great lunch, maybe that way I won't miss Max for too long... I try to distract myself from the stress that knowing he's in a plane right now induces. "Everything's gonna be fine, come on Charles".

The time seems to go so slowly, and I regularly check my phone, still not receiving any news. The dish I made is okay, but my mind can't focus on the taste, always coming back to my boyfriend's image. I just need him to be safe, cared for, and not alone somewhere I'm not.

I know I've had the same issues with previous relationships, I know it's not completely normal. I can be extremely dependent when I'm emotionally attached to someone, or something. My watch for example, is something I wouldn't bear losing. But with Max, I figured it's on another level. He only left a few hours ago, I shouldn't be obsessed with it.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of torture, I receive a short text, telling me he's alright. And no, I wasn't tracking his flight, not at all. I then remember I have to answer him, and suddenly find nothing in my mind.

I'd like to tell him so much, but the only thing still occupying my mind is that I want him to come back. Which he's obviously not going to do yet, and will only freak him out. I don't want to appear weird in his eyes, this is a me problem.

I finally resign on simply sending an emoji, hoping he won't get mad for that. Maybe that was too short, maybe that was not serious? Should I text something else? No, that'll be weird.

Sighing heavily, I fall back in the sofa, laying my head back on the cushions. I feel empty, and bored. I need to do something, maybe I can play piano? But suddenly, as I am trying to gather enough motivation to get up and go towards the instrument, my ringtone makes me jump. Max?

Looking at the screen, I soon realise my mistake. It's not the Dutchman, but my younger brother Arthur. I pick up, curious to know what he has to say. But as I am about to happily greet him, the sniffling sounds stop me. Is he...?

— Arthur?

— Charles... he cries out, and my heart clenches, his pain resonating in each one of my bones.

— Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe, ça va pas? T'es où, je viens te chercher! (What happens, are you okay? Where are you, I'm coming to get you) I try to say, feeling the stress alter my voice and numb my thoughts.

— Nan ça va, c'est juste... Je... J'ai cru que... (No it's fine, it's just... I... I thought that...) he takes a big breath, apparently trying to explain his situation to me.

I relax just a bit hearing he is not in a sudden emergency situation, but the distress in my brother's voice still makes my heart ache, and makes my every nerve buzz with anxiety. What is it that puts him in that state, he's usually so happy and relaxed at any time!

— Calme toi, ça va aller, je suis là ok? Est-ce que tu veux que je vienne, est-ce que t'es blessé? (Calm down, it's gonna be okay, I'm here yeah? Do you want me to come get you, are you hurt?) I try to stay methodical, but it's hard to put my thoughts in order when all I can hear is muffled cries.

— Oui ok... je préfère venir, c'est... plus simple. (Yeah alright... I prefer to come, it's... easier.) He finally manages to say, and I feel relief, hearing that he's gonna come here. I need to comfort him, whatever problem he has.

Fifteen minutes later, my doorbell rings and I almost run to open the door. I don't even check, sure it's my brother and too impatient to wait. When I see the state he's in, looking so miserable with his crying red face and body curled on itself, I immediately lean to take him in my arms. I've never seen him like that, not even... after our father's death. Maybe he was too little then, but this looks like another huge distressing event for him, and I wanna know what happened.

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