Chapter 33

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POV: Carlos

I can't believe how dumb I've been. Honestly, there was only one thing I had to be careful about, and I fucked it up. I can't look at him in the eyes now, I just wanna hope all of this is some fever dream and I haven't actually called him that in public. I don't really care about rumours, they can say what they want anyways. I'm just very very scared of Lando's reaction if he learns what I meant every time I called him cariño.

I won't be able to hide forever though. I've successfully escaped until now, taking advantage of my friends' presence to ignore the Brit, but I feel awful doing so. I really don't like having to lie to him, or ignore him. But I am not ready to be faced with rejection, or to change inevitably our relationship.

— Vamos a comer no? Son las trece y media, ¡me estoy muriendo de hambre! (Let's go eat no? It's 1:30 pm, I'm so hungry!) My friend says, making me realise how late it already is.

But I don't feel hungry, for once. I feel sick, somehow. Stressed. I still refuse to look at Lando in the eyes when I tell him that we're planning on going to a nice place that serves hamburgers, near the karting track. It's not much, but just talking to him makes me shiver, and I hate how anxious I feel.

— Oh okay... Before that, can you expl-

— No we have to go now, sorry. I interrupt him, trying to sound the least scared possible.

He frowns but says nothing back, and we all go back to our cars. The ride is silent, and I mentally thank whoever chose a close place, because I wouldn't have supported more than 5 minutes in that awkward atmosphere.

Finally, we get there and I park the car, almost jumping out of it. I see Lando taking his time, and impulsively go to open his door, feeling a bit silly after, standing there waiting for him.

— Such a gentleman, eh? He teases me, but I hear that something is off in his voice, and gulp.

I hum in agreement, only slightly smiling, and we both go to order, my friends already inside. The ambient here is always warm, filled with great music and nice smells. It relaxes me a little, but what I've said is still haunting me. I know I won't be able to ignore it forever, but it's so hard. Just a few more days...

POV: Lando

Carlos has been acting even more strangely since I won, since he said that thing. I wouldn't care too much normally, but I know it's not meaningless this time. I'm gonna be honest, I'm scared about what this all means. But I'm much more curious and... excited? It kinda feels like a game, a game I'm determined to win.

After we ate the delicious hamburgers, we say our goodbyes to his friends, the atmosphere a bit less tense between us. I really didn't mean to end our little trip like that, but I've not done anything, so... I'm quite lost about what to do next, should I apologise? But for what?

As always, I overthink it, and end up really struggling to get this shit out of my head. Damn you Carlos, I really need an explanation now.

Once we're back in the house Carlos immediately goes to his bedroom, apparently not wanting to spend any more time with me. It hurts a lot, but I decide to try and ask him again, being more diplomatic this time. And for that, I need someone...

— Piñon! Hi boy, aw, you're really sweet! I say, starting to really appreciate that dog as he enthusiastically comes towards me, happily waggling his tail.

— Woof!

I am a bit startled by the unexpected bark, but laugh it off afterwards. He's really nice, almost as cute as his owner... I mean uh... Well.

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