Chapter 42

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POV: Carlos

I can't believe I'm there, waiting at the door of Lando's hotel room. As his boyfriend. It sounds so weird but it feels so good to even think about it, I still can't quite comprehend the way the events unravelled. And it's so simple at the same time, I just confessed and... he reciprocated my feelings and kissed me.

The kiss, oh god. As I remember the sweetness and passion of it, I feel my face reddening by the second, standing awkwardly in front of the door. I can't knock like that, I'm too flustered, I don't want to look dumb! But it's been five minutes of just me smiling foolishly, and I don't want to make him wait.

Finally, I decide to announce my presence, the sound of my knuckles against the wood resonating in the empty corridor. I've been very careful, making sure to not be seen by anyone since I entered the hotel, hopefully safe from any camera. I could always say we're having a "boys night" but... I wonder if people would be naïve enough to believe it.

— Hey, the Brit greets me softly, poking his head out of the door, with a huge smile plastered on his face.

He then signals for me to follow him, opening it largely so I can enter the room. I take a few moments to observe my surroundings, noticing how messy the room is. Shaking my head in disapproval, but a smile on my lips, I decide to tease him about it, something I used to do a lot when we were hotel rooms neighbours.

— I see that you've not changed much hum?

— Heyyyy, shut up! Or maybe you'd like to sleep on that sofa here, doesn't it look comfortable? He fires back in a sassy voice, and I simply giggle.

— What, you mean there's a sofa under all the mess? Can't see it though, I continue teasing him, as his ears start to redden before he finally sighs and laughs.

— You're so insufferable, why do I even like you by the way?

— Because I'm hot and Spanish? I reply innocently, a grin on my face.

He doesn't answer, instead scanning me from head to toes, slightly biting his lip. The quietest "agreed" is just out of his mouth that I stop resisting and kiss him, my hands immediately finding their way to his waist.

I moan in surprise as he starts licking in my mouth, our tongues battling for a while before I give up, leaving him the advantage. I know that later, I'll have anything I want anyways, I can at least give him this right?

— C-Carlos, wait, he says as I started lifting the hem of his shirt, only caressing his soft and warm skin.

— Hm? What is it baby? The nickname passes my lips before I can realise it, and I just blush.

— I'm not sure... just, can we go, like, slow? He says in the cutest voice, his gaze a bit scared.

It's absolutely adorable the way he completely embraces his soft and vulnerable side with me, and of course I'm going to try and make him as comfortable as I can. The last thing I want is scare him off, but I know it will never happen. We'll go at his rhythm, together, or nothing.

— Absolutely, you know I'm here for you right? Not for me, for you. I say while insisting, putting my hand back on the top of the fabric, only lightly resting on his sides.

— You're so perfect, he simply answers, kissing me again, but very softly this time.

I pull him closer, the sweet embrace making us both calm down. He's so tiny in my arms, I could keep him locked there forever if it was only up to me. We then decide to go to sleep, the day pretty exhausting for us two, with the race and everything that happened after.

Same but... different (Lestappen and Carlando)Where stories live. Discover now