Existing Out Of Spite

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A/N: the name of the chapter is from GHOST's 'ScapeGoat'

Jupiter had no clue what led up to this moment, he was finishing up his shift at the diner and was the only other person there, the other being the manager who told him to leave earlier. He didn't want to leave his boss with extra work just because everyone else were being assholes about cleaning, so he stayed behind to help close up. He knew he clocked out and was walking back to his house which was a good twenty minute walk for anyone that didn't speed walk like he did.

The next thing he knew, he was in his bathroom, throwing up with blood on his face and a headache. He could taste the blood that must have been in his mouth, he wondered what he even bit into to cause this bullshit. He looked at himself in the mirror after he felt something sticky on his neck, seeing two circular puncture holes on the right side of his neck.

"Mierda, what happened to me?" He didn't want to know, mostly out of denial but partially out of fear. Whatever happened to him could come back to bite him, literally if his neck was any indication of what the thing could do.

He was tired, he wanted to sleep and not wake up for the next few hours even if he needed to take a shower and attempt to get the blood out before it stained too much. He decided to just get the blood out and wash off his face. And his hair if the fact that his bangs were sticking to his forehead said anything. He hadn't seen any blood in it earlier, but his crimson hair must've hidden the blood. The task of getting the blood out was gonna take a bit, Jupiter wondered if he could just burn or bury the shirt somewhere instead of trying to save it. He decided to soak the shirt in a cold water and soap combination before hopping into the shower to wash off his face and hair.

Jupiter spaced out in the shower, the mindless task of washing his hair calmed him down from the shock of not knowing what happened in the twenty or so minutes he must've blacked out for. He started thinking about how his headache happened, whatever happened had hit him hard if the sharp pain around the back of his head was any indication. He also realized he was missing his pocket knife, it was the one that Wendell gifted him for his birthday two years ago. The space out session was interrupted when the water started running colder than Jupiter preferred it, he hopped out and rinsed out his shirt. He spaced out again, going about his night routine while getting his laundry to throw into the wash and starting it. His bed felt cold when he got into it, his heated blanket was on and had been on for long enough, it was a wonder why it was so cold. He was too tired to care about that at the moment and just crawled into the covers and went to sleep.

Jupiter's dream was blurry and messy, with blood everywhere, he had gotten attacked and bit his attacker. He dropped his knife in the commotion of something and slipped backwards, the sickening crack causing his head to hurt and for him to black out for a moment. When he came to, it felt like he could hear color. The clearness was astounding to him, seeing as he probably should have been dead from that. The immediate headache should have been expected but this was a dream so he was valid in his logic. The realization his head hurt more than it should've and the bright luminescence of his assaulter's eyes burning holes into his chest before the person scaled a two story building and ran was the last thing he saw before everything went to black.

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