Marches On Unholy Spite

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A/N: So this is where the summaries get long. This is also where the fun starts. Title is from GHOST's 'Apotropaism'.

A few days before jupiter and wendell go on the road trip, jared calls jupiter to apologize for what was said on hell day. Jupiter tells him that he is gonna pop by with wendell when he realizes what was about to happen. Jupiter and jared talk and they make up while wendell goes to chat with vincent. Around the end of the conversation, the two of them notice the feeling of someone just being turned. Jared knows this feeling but jupiter does not, jared explains it to jupiter while he gets ready to leave. Jupiter realizes that was why jared came to his house the day after it happened, he was probably out cold the first night and he had to come the day after. The two leave after telling their partners about what happened.

They arrive at where they were being pulled to by their vampire instincts, which was an alley that jupiter vaguely recognized from his dream the night of being turned. They check in the alley and see Kenny, slumped over on the wall. He has most of his body drained and has some blood dripping down from the corner of his mouth. He isn't moving but jared can tell that is who they were looking for. Jupiter is frozen in shock and horror for a second, then he moves to check on his vitals. Jared doesn't stop him, he knows how it is to see someone you care about like this from vincent being vincent.

Jupiter realizes kenny was turned and takes him back to the cabin with the help of jared, the two prep some stuff that kenny may need based on how the two felt when they had turned while they wait for him to wake up. Kenny wakes up after a bit, confused and alone. Jupiter pops his head into the room, sees kenny awake, and immediately goes to make sure he is ok. Kenny is still confused and asks where he is, what happened, and why he was so lightheaded. Jared hears all this and walks in with some blood in his nice cup, for aesthetic reasons. He gives the cup to kenny and tells him to drink it. Kenny is skeptical, and jupiter can smell the blood in the cup. Jared tells jupiter that it will make kenny less light headed, that jupiter should have had some his first day. Kenny questions that part but jared promises to explain when he is in a state that would be able to handle it, which is after he isn't about to pass out from blood loss again.

Kenny drinks the thing, jupiter covers his mouth with his hand as kenny does so, kenny says it tastes pretty good and asks what it is. Jared says it's blood, Kenny thinks it's a joke, jupiter says it isn't. Kenny internally freaks the fuck out while jupiter explains everything. Kenny has to process that and when he does take a minute to process it, asks why he knew so much about it. Jupiter responds that he was turned several months ago. Kenny is not too surprised by that, he guessed it because of the changes from after that but didn't want to pry on it. Mostly because wendell knew and that was alright in his books. This ends with kenny deciding to stay at the cabin for the next few days, everyone but kenny deciding to tell leo after kenny is better, and jupiter and wendell leaving the cabin. Leo is told because kenny didn't want to keep a secret from his boyfriend and didn't agree with waiting til he was better.

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