I'm Not Quite What I Seem

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A/N: GHOST's 'The Chattering Lack Of Common Sense' is where this one is from

When he woke up, the sun decided to hold a grudge against him for some unknown reason and blind him. Jupiter had to scramble to close his black out curtains, which helped a bit but not enough. He had to grab a spare blanket from his closet to throw onto his curtains to properly work. His head was still killing him, probably from the deadly laser that decided to focus on his room. The sound of one of his moms walking up the stairs was helpful in letting him get prepared for more bright light. Which was what streamed into the room as Blake opened the door and turned on the light switch, Jupiter immediately closing his eyes was normal but the hiss wasn't.

"You're gonna be late for school if you don't get dressed" Blake sternly told him as Jupiter started to feel light headed from all the sudden smells that barged into his room. Blake noticed him looking off and walked over to him, touching his forehead with the back of her hand.

"Oh, Syrus. You should have told me you were not feeling well, you're burning up." Blake's tone turned soft in an instant as she led him back to his bed and turned off the light to his room before closing the door. Jupiter could still hear the conversations happening from downstairs even with the door closed.

"Where's Jupiter?" Jupiter thought that was Isaac from the voice. He was not too focused on anything right now to tell who was who.

"He's sick, Isaac. He'll probably feel better tomorrow." That was definitely Blake, she was the only one that knew he was spiking a fever. At least he was right on who it was, that was the only good thing happening.

"He was supposed to pick us up from school today! He can't be sick!" And there was Andrew with his entitlement and need for Jupiter to be his personal chauffeur all the time. He was so tired and hungry in a way he hadn't felt before. He briefly stopped focusing on the conversation long enough for him to miss who was picking up his younger siblings from middle school.

"-shouldn't bother him when you get home, Andrew, he probably wouldn't want to play Mario in his condition." And Cynthia was right about that, he didn't.

"That sucks." Jupiter agreed. He still couldn't go back to sleep, so he decided to brave the questionable journey of texting his friends on his phone.

JaytheGay: hey yall

JaytheGay: currently sick so im confined to my room

the power of gay: Oof, do you want me to bring you some soup or something?

orange DOES rhyme: wendell, you wanna get sick too

i say it doesn't: maybe Kenny and I should bring it? you aren't known for having the best immune system.

the power of gay: I can still bring it with some of your meds, I know you haven't restocked recently.

JaytheGay: callin me out i see

JaytheGay: how rude

JaytheGay: would be appreciated though

JaytheGay: imma be hoppin off now

the power of gay: Get better soon!

orange DOES rhyme: if you dont, im gonna come over and force you better

i say it doesn't: Kenny! don't do that! that's rude!

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