What did he see??

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Y/N: I came here to call you
JK: why? (he asked softly)
Y/N: (She Just push him away and glare at him and left from there)
JK: (smile)


JK: i'm here
Somi: Oh you came
JK: hmm
Lisa: okay let's start the game
JK: which game?
Jennie: Truth or dare (cold)
JK: o-oh ok

Then everyone sat down on the ground, Somi brought soju bottle and placed It in the centre, the game Finally started and the First Person was Rosé

Somi: thr-
Rosé: dare
Somi: h-huh, okay, so Rosé...(She was creating suspense)
Rosé: (waiting for Somi to finish her sentence)
Somi: let's start give a soft start, confess to your crush
Rosé: (calm look)

All this time Jungkook was staring at Y/N

Rosé: i don't have a crush (cold)
Somi: .................
Rosé: .................
Somi: then pick Truth
Rosé: hmm
Somi: do you really don't like someone??
Rosé: (nodded)
Somi: nevermind, let's skip this time, It was so akward

Rosé spin the bottle and this time It landed on Y/N

Rosé: (smirk) Truth or dare
Y/N: (calm look) dare
Rosé: okay, i was Always courious about one thing, so you Need to find out who's the CEO of Marine Group
Y/N: (silent)
JK: no She Will not
Jisoo: why?
JK: i Heard the Company has conncetions with the Underworld
Lisa: and why do you care about her?
JK: you should be doing that! Aren't you her sister?
Y/N: I Will do It
JK: but-
Y/N: (glare at him) why do you care?
JK: cause... (sigh) nevermind
Somi: let's continue
Y/N: Hmm

Y/N spin the bottle and it landed on Jungkook making her smirk

Y/N: Truth or dare?
JK: Truth
Y/N: (smirk) why did you entered in the Mafia world? Huh?
Somi: Y/N? he has anger issues, don't forget It (She whispered in her ear making Y/N roll her eye)
Y/N: He picked It 🤷‍♀️
Somi: (sigh)
JK: i didn't do It willingly
Y/N: huh?
JK: i was forced to (fake smile)
Y/N: (silent)
Lisa: (notice her face then She checkes the time making her eyes go wide) Y/N!! (She shouted)
Y/N: (startled) what happend Lisa? You scared me
Lisa: we have to go now!! We are late! (trying to Say something to her through her eyes )
Y/N: (eyes widen) oh Sorry i almost forgot
Jennie: we have to go now
Somi: it's so early
JK: Is everything okay?
Y/N: Yes don't worry
Jisoo: we can't do anything in It
Rosé: bye

BLACKPINK left from there in a hurry making Jungkook confuse but then he thought that It could be some urgent matter so he shrugged It off


Jungkook was on his laptop doing some work when...

Somi: Oppa??
JK: hmm?
Somi: what Is this weird sound?
JK: huh?

After Somi Tells him that some weird sound was coming from the kitchen and also some weird smell he went to check there if there was a problem but what he saw next made his Eye widen

JK: (eyes widen) (no words were coming out of his mouth he was Frozen on his spot)


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