Bambam's betrayel

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Y/N: Y-Yes (nervous) (in mind: how the hell i Will face Jungkook now) (mentally fake crying)


Y/N was coming downstairs While looking here and there trying to find Jungkook in the living room, She didn't care about Kai, but the thing was different with Jungkook

???: what are you trying to do?

A voice came in as Y/N went Wide Open thinking It might be Jungkook... She turned around after having the courage to face him

Y/N: Kai? (sigh in relief)
Kai: y-yes?
Y/N: Where's Jungkook?
Kai: oh he got a call from someone, he Will be here somewhere
Y/N: (slowly nodded) ok
Kai: about what happend a whi-
Y/N: Don't talk about It (went from there)


JK: alright i'm sending you the address come and pick me up........... Ok........ I Will tell them myself......hmm

Jungkook here was on a call with his right hand man, Bambam. The most trusted One After his gang members. When he noticed  Y/N coming downstairs he cut the call

Akward silence

JK: Y/N-
Y/N: (focus, Y/N focus)

Just then our great Kai entered making Jungkook pissed off

JK: what are doing here? (pissed off tone)
Kai: it's my home too (eyerolled)
JK: whatever, Y/N? I wanted-

Again someone come in, Somi Who Just came down without noticing the intense environment around her broke the silence

Somi: Hey good morning everyone
Y/N: morning
JK: (takes Deep breath)
Kai: (ignore Somi as She doesn't exist)
JK: where was i again? Oh-



Everyone in the room flinched hard hearing Jungkook's sudden out burst

Somi: i-i Will g-go.. and check (She ran away from there as She's scared from her Brother's anger issues)


Somi: who's this?
???: Miss Jeon?
Somi: Bambam? (opened the door) what are you doing here? (cold)

Her voice suddenly turned cold as if the childish and careless Somi didn't even exist

Bambam: (bow) actually sir called me here
Somi: ok, come in (cold)

(Somi was not that much Happy seeing Bambam here as he Always behaved cold towards her and he's no fun, atleast for Somi)

(Somi was not that much Happy seeing Bambam here as he Always behaved cold towards her and he's no fun, atleast for Somi)

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Somi: Oppa Bambam came here
Bambam: hello sir (bow)
JK: hmm

Y/N's eyes got Wide Open After seeing the Person face, this got noticed by Jungkook, Y/N's terrofied look on her face

JK: Y/N? Are you okay?
Y/N: (too stunbed to speak anything)
Kai: Y/N?? (put his hand over her shoulder)
Y/N: (slowly point at Bambam)
Bambam: (confused)
Y/N: He's the same guy Who attacked on Somi (She yelled)
Somi: huh?
Kai: (processing)
JK: (eyes darkned) what are you saying Y/N!
Y/N: I'm saying the thruth! He's the same guy of that day (shaking voice, her voice showed pure fear and terror)

Jungkook's eyes soften seeing Y/N in such a weak and terrored figure, he immedeatly turn his head towards Bambam shooting deadly glares at him, however Bambam gulped hard seeing a fuming in anger Jungkook. Taking fast and misured steps Jungkook went to Bambam and grabbed his short collar harshly


A scream escaped from Somi's mouth After seeing Jungkook all angry, luckily on the right time Kai put his hand on her mouth preventing her for distracting Jungkook

JK: Who are you?
Bambam: S-sir-

Jungkook doesn't let him speak further more and harshly grab his throat and pinned him on the Wall putting all the force into his throat he asked


Bambam Who was already having panick Attack for seeing Jungkook's anger issues now was also struggling from breathing and soon he fell on the ground After being passed out. Jungkook immedeatly picked his phone up and called Jin, saying him to come at Y/N's house and bring guard with him too, not to forget other BTS members as well

Somi: Oppa?

She called him softly but didn't worked as he went from there leaving everyone there

Somi: (sigh) what was all this?

She asked to Y/N, Who was looking emotionlessly at Bambam's unconscious body laying on the floor. All She got was silence as response, She then looked at Kai hoping to get an answer from him but he also left from there leaving Somi all frustated, when suddenly Y/N spoke catching Somi's attention

Y/N: he was the guy Who tried to kidnap you that day
Somi: W-What?
Y/N: (slowly nodded)
Somi: i didn't ever liked him but how can he... (taking Deep breath) i'm going in my room Y/N
Y/N: Okay

After that Somi left from there, but Is still staring at Bambam laying on the floor


All BTS members are here at Y/N's Place in the living room talking about the incidente that happend this morning, as Y/N was coming downstairs all the attention went on her

???²: who's She?
???⁵: yeah Who's this beautiful lady?
JK: (Eye rolled)
???⁴: Hey com here (sunshine smile)

Y/N: Me? (point at herself While looking around)

???⁴: (chuckle) yes you

Then Y/N come to them

Taehyung: hyung She's the girl i was talking about
???⁵: oh really? (looking at Y/N with a flirty look)
???: make yourself comfortable
Y/N: I should be the one saying that Mr.
???⁶: oh Finally someone who's not innocent and a cry baby
Y/N: (frown) Who are you Mr. Cat looking human?
???⁶: am i looking like a cat to you?!
Y/N: (nodded innocently) pretty much

Jin: so this Is the girl Who caught Jungkook's attention? (whisper to Taehyung)
Taehyung: yup

Everyone chuckle seeing her

JK: Y/N? Sit down, i Will introduce you to everyone

She sat down between Jungkook and Jimin  as there was some space

JK: so everyone this Is Choi Y/N, and they are my gang members, RM, Jin, Suga, J-hope, Jimin and Taehyung

He Say their name While pointing at them

Y/N: Nice to meet you everyone (head bow)
All: (smile)

Jin: we all came here as Jungkook told us everything about what happend this morning
Y/N: (silent)
Taehyung: i can't believe he betrayed us
JK: talking about him, let's pay him a visit? (He said While smirking at the members)
Everyone ex Y/N: yes why not (smirk back)


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