Last Chance?

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Y/N: Leave my hand Jeon

Ignoring her words Jungkook Just pull down Y/N's side window to see Kai's eyes were fixed on Y/N and Jungkook's hand intertwined together

Y/N stopped moving once She noticed Fire burning in Jungkook's eyes, She glanced at Kai who was death glaring him fearlessly

Kai: leave her!
JK: (scoff) why would i?

Lisa signalled Y/N from the car windshield mirror that She freed others successfuly bringing a smirk on her lips. She was still in Jungkook's grip but this time It was a gentle touch, She was observing her circumstance carefully to know the right time for her next move

Jungkook's grip on her wrist got tight again, he looked at her hearing her hissing in pain. He lets go of her hand gently and looked at her worriedly

JK: what happend Y/N? Did-

Before he could complete his sentence he felt a cold a metal on the back side of his head, realizing it's a revolver he tried to take a look at the back to see the person who had the courage to take this step but before he could turn around he heard Y/N

Y/N: eyes on me Jeon...

It would be a lie if he said he didn't got surprised by her sudden change of tone along with her face expressions that went from a naive girl to the cold lady Boss as She Is

JK: i think i understimated you Shin Y/N...
Y/N: You surely did Jeon

There was a dead silence in between both of them making the atmosphere change in a mere second, both staring into eachother eyes like they would devour eachother without a second thought. Suddenly Jungkook spoke something getting Y/N off guards

JK: why do you hate me so much?

He asked casually making Y/N scoff at him, It was a nice way to time pass with this topic with the girl sitting beside him death glaring at him

Kai: don't get tricked by him again Y/N!
JK: i didn't get my answer yet... Didn't we grew up togheter-
Y/N: Yes. And that's exctaly why i know better than anyone to not to believe a single word you say...

Jungkook lower his head. Y/N was looking satisfied by his look when her expressions dropped hearing a psychopathic laugh from him giving her chills

JK: do you really think of me that low?

He whispered in her ear while leaning closer to her

Kai: what the heck are you doing Jungkook?!
Jisoo: stay away from Y/N!

Jungkook was silently staring in Y/N's eyes, After sometime he chuckled darkly and sit back on his seat

Y/N: Get him out of the car Lisa

Lisa nodded her head as She was the one who had pointed her gun over Jungkook. Kai opened the door for Y/N as She got out of Jungkook's car

Jennie: what should we do to him?
Y/N: ....let's see

After sometime another car came over there to pick them. A mysterious silence was broken by Jungkook

JK: 15/12/2015... 9 years ago... Two families died in a tragic death...and all the blame went on a mere 17 y/o teenager...don't you find something weird?
Kai: what are saying?
Y/N: ignore his nonsense and make him sit in the car now!
JK: aha! what if i Say that i know something that you aren't aware of?
Y/N: Are you playing with me right now?!

Jungkook took a step towards Y/N and leaned against her

JK: there was someone else in the house too at the crime scene...

Y/N was feeling butterflies in her stomach while having Jungkook near her, his hot breath against her neck and his dark and mysterious aura making her go weak. Jungkook smirk in satisfaction After looking at her fragile state. Getting back into her senses Y/N push Jungkook away from her

Y/N: Do you want me to believe all that? I don't rembeber seeing someone else other than you that day!

Jungkook hold Y/N's shoulder gently not letting her move, Kai was about to stop him but Rosé grab his wrist while glaring at him

Kai: what the fuck are you doin-

Rosé step on Kai's left foot with her heel making him shut his mouth tightly trying hard not to make a single sound

Rosé: you're not going to interrupt them, are you?
Kai: what's wrong with you?

Rosé Just eyerolled at him while enjoying the live romantic drama in front of her

JK: i swear i'm not the murderer Y/N... Trust me
Y/N: How are you so sure that i will give a chance?
JK: i'm here next to you, all good without a single wound on my body... It looks like your despreration to kill me Is vanishing away

Rosé fake coughed while trying to get their attention

Rosé: Y/N? I think you s-should give him a c-chance... What if he's saying the Truth?
Lisa: are you out of your mind Rosé?!! How can you Say that? We all know what Y/N's been through!
Jennie: Lisa calm down!
Rosé: yah Y/N Just think about It

JK: please Y/N i can never hurt you


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