Bambam's results

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??? smirked hiding behind the kitchen's door, that smirk was proving that his plan Is going well

She started having hiccups that now were not helping her from breathing normally, her legs started to shake badly, he knees were now feeling all her body weight on It, She could fall again any time. She again looked around the white living room which was now covered with Red Blood giving It a creepy look. Her doe eyes stopped at a corner where She spotted her Father's body too there covered with Blood

She wanted to run there and hug her parents but the fear of Jungkook being the murderer inside her was taking control over her body, She turned around her head to see Mrs. Jeon's dead body from which She tripped a while ago

Jungkook was looking at all that carefully but didn't want to take an action as he was scared that he would scare Y/N more than She already was. Taking a Deep breath he took a small step towards Y/N

Sensing Jungkook coming to her She looked at him and started to take back steps too and shaking her head

JK: Y-Y/N? st..op there

Y/N's mind went blank and without thinking twice She opened the main door harshly and started running from there to the Road


She didn't listen to him as She was crying and sobbing badly while wipping her tears off harshly. Jungkook covered his eyes with his palms trying not Watch the accident that Will happend

The last thing he Heard was Y/N's sudden Scream, his head started to feel heavy and he saw the Road covered with Blood After that he fainted and fell down

End of Flashback: present time

JK: and After the accident i woke up in the hospital (sigh)
Taehyung: .....if She d-died.... Who'...s Y./N?

All of them face palm themselves at the dumb question that was Just made by Taehyung

Jimin: this dumbass
RM: but how do you know all this? Weren't you in the gaming room? (raised eyebrow)
J-hope: ohh right!
JK: (sigh) there was a CCTV camera in our living room Just in case and After returning from the of m-mo..m and d-dad and Y/N's p-parents i checked the f-footage...
Suga: what did you find then?
JK: there was only the part ......of how an unknown man killed my parents

Jungkook's eyes started burning in pure fire and even darkned

Jin: so you mean the part of the murder of Y/N's parents was missing?
JK: (nodded) She even thinks that i killed my own parents....S he. thi...nks as a p..syc.hop..ath..


Y/N: He killed his own parents!! What's new with murdering mine! Huh?!

Here everyone were in the same warehouse in another room trying to calm down Y/N, as She's still regretting of how easily Jungkook and others escaped

Rosé: we understand you but you should talk to him as well! What if he didn't kill your and his parents?!
Y/N: Ohh! To give him a chance to kill me that he lost 9 years ago?!
Jisoo: calm down Y/N and you Rosé talk to me outside

Rosé silently nodded her head as She can't deny Jisoo or go against her


Jimin: so why don't you show her the footage?!
JK: i'm not that dumb Jimin-aah! If It was for me i would show he-

Suddenly a phone started ringing catching everyone's attention towards It, RM picked the call After seeing the caller id

RM: yes Mr. Kang?

All of them looked at eachother

Jimin: Mr. Kang? Maybe he finjshed his research!
Suga: (nodded)

RM: hmm......yes..... okay....we are at bangtan mansion...hmm.....alright

After talking to Mr. Kang RM cutted the call and looked at his other members Who were looking at him with hope in their eyes

RM: yes (nodded) he completed the research and he's going to come here
Jin: Finally
J-hope: did he said something else about the results?
RM: no-
Taehyung: alright! So where were we?
JK: what do you mean?
Taehyung: your story?! Why didn't you tell Y/N the truth?!
JK: She Will never believe me beside i don't even have proof to prove my innocence

He sighed as he lower his head

RM: then what about the CCTV footage?!
Jin: calm down Suga! He's not a kid to Lost a thing!
JK: i rembeber when i returned from the funeral i watched the footage but then i got an unknown call from someone saying that Y/N Is alive
Jimin: so what did you do? And wasn't the funeral for Y/N too?
JK: no because her body was missing from the accident-
Taehyung: are you sure She even had an accident? I mea-
JK: i'm 100% sure! We even found a-almost a ... .of b-...blo.od!

Suga came to Jungkook and pat his shoulder softly

Suga: i-i'm Sorry
JK: for what?
Suga: i shouldn't tell at you in the First place
Jimin: it's okay guys continue your emotional drama somewhere else but now we have to let Y/N know about the real truth behind all this!
JK: b-but She Wi...l never beli..eve me... And i ev..e..n l-lost
RM: c'mon Jungkook be positiv-

Just then the Bell ring Jin went to open the door and lead him back to the discussing room, Mr. Kang bowed to everyone while they Just nodded back

JK: let's not waste time Mr. Kang! What are the results? (Deep and cold voice)

Drops of sweat started to form on Mr. Kang's forehead hearing Jungkook's voice and looking at his face that showed how impatient he was right now

Mr. Kang: i-i went t-through some analyses and got to know that he had 3 doses c-clostridium botulinum-
J-hope: and when did he got them?

Mr. Kang looked at his reports in his head and again looked at J-hope Who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow

Mr. Kang: It looks like 2 weeks ago his body started to get it and his nerve f-functions Is a-almost blocked since 1 wee-
Jimin: but did Bambam really betrayed us?
Jin: it's not important that to us
JK: Who has the balls to go against us?!
Suga: what if it's....

All of them looked at Suga Who was creating suspense by his silence

Suga: ........Y/N?.....


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