What did you see in the kitchen?

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Somi: (looking at their mansion)
JK: (taking Deep breath)
???: (eyes widen) SOMI!!! JUNGKOOK!!
Jungkook: Y/N? (mumble)

Y/N came running to them with a worried face, she checks Somi and then Jungkook, worry was visible on her face

Y/N: What happend? Did your mansion Just got blast?! Are you two okay? (panting heavely)
Somi: calm down Y/N (chuckle) we are fine
Jungkook: but what are you doing here? You left, right? (confused)
Y/N: Actually i found Somi's phone in my purse as we bought same bestie's bag, i think She thought It was her's
Somi: oh yeah i couldn't find It (take from her) oh thank you so much (smile back)
Y/N: Its nothing (smile back) but... Are you sure you both are okay? (said While looking at Jungkook)

Jungkook: (nodded) don't worry we are fine
Y/N: (staring at him) do you have another mansion?
Somi: uh?
Y/N: Where Will you both stay?
JK: (chuckle) don't worry i Will arrange It, it's not a big deal
Y/N: Come to my Place
JK: (surprised) are you okay?
Y/N: Why?
JK: you never cared about us?!
Y/N: I cared, it's Just...
JK: what?
Somi: (looking at both of them like enjoying a romantic drama)
Y/N: If you don't want to come then stay here i Will leave now-
JK: no we are coming (smiling like a idiot)
Y/N: (smile back) but later you have sto explain me everything that happend and how It happend
JK: sure
Y/N: And what Is that?
JK: huh? (turn at the directions which Y/N Just pointed at)
Y/N: (waiting for him)
JK: (he spoke After noticing that She was talking about his laptop kept on the ground) my laptop
Y/N: You cared about your laptop even when you could litteraly die?! (scolding him)
JK: stop now, a second before you were caring for me and now?!
Y/N: (Eye rolled) let's go
JK: okay
Somi: how are going to go there?
JK: yeah i think my garage must be damage
Y/N: no worried i Will call Kai to come and pick us up
JK: (scoff) you seem very close to him
Y/N: (ignore him and call Kai and tell him to come and pick her up and She send him the address) he's coming
JK: hmm
Somi: alright (sat on the ground)
Y/N: But how It all happend?
JK: actually-
Somi: i Will tell you
Y/N: (looks at her) okay

Somi: when you all left, After 30 minutes i started to smell and hear some noises from the kitchen, then i told Oppa to go and check then i don't know what happend next as i was going there to check myselft as he was there Jungshook but then he immediately grab my wrist and dragged me here (done face)
Y/N: (listening carefully) your reaction to all this seem like you're normal to It, having bomb blast (smile awkwardly) but then what happend Jungkook? (turn towards him) what did you see?


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