Metal box?

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Y/N: (listening carefully) your reaction to all this seem like you're normal to It, having bomb blast (smile awkwardly) but then what happend Jungkook? (turn towards him) what did you see?
JK: (sigh) actually when i was in the kitchen i saw a type of metal box which was releasing some kind of gas, then realized that It was a type of box that can explode...
Y/N: Ooh
Somi: omg, but Who has the audicity to do that?
JK: (eyes darkned) whoever did that, not gonna live longer i Will show him the real hell on the earth (cold raspy voice which sent shivers down Somi and Y/N's spine)
Somi: (gulped) c-calm dow-

They Heard a sound of a car honk coming, as all turned around to see Kai in his car

Y/N: Oh he came
Somi: (got up) let's go then
JK: hmm

All of them sat in the car the ride was silent. Everyone now reached at Y/N's house and entered inside to find It all empty

Somi: you're house Is so nice
Y/N: Thanks Somi (smile)
JK: where are your parents, Mr. Choi and Mrs. Choi, also your sister
Y/N: Actually my parents went to visit my grandma and as they also miss their hometown
JK: Ooh
Y/N: Make yourself comfortable and if you Need anything then Just ask my servant (point at Kai ) and i Will be right back

Saying that Y/N left from there going inside her room, meanwhile Kai Is still processing her words

Kai: ............. AM I HER SERVANT?!

After some seconds Y/N came back

Y/N: Hehe Sorry, First get fresh up, come i Will show you your rooms
Somi: okay
JK: (nodded)

Jungkook, Somi entered inside a decent room While following Y/N

Y/N: Here's your room Somi
Somi: wow it's so Beautiful thank you
Y/N: (smile) i'm glad you like It


Jungkook and Y/N went out of Somi's room and then Y/N takes Jungkook with her in another One

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Jungkook and Y/N went out of Somi's room and then Y/N takes Jungkook with her in another One

Y/N: And this One Is you bedroom
JK: thanks


Y/N: Okay fresh up now (She was going to leave from there when Jungkook grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him, as She hit his Heart chest her cheeks turned into a Crimson color)JK: (smirk as he notice Y/N blushing) Y/N: w-what are y-you doing?...

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Y/N: Okay fresh up now (She was going to leave from there when Jungkook grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him, as She hit his Heart chest her cheeks turned into a Crimson color)
JK: (smirk as he notice Y/N blushing)
Y/N: w-what are y-you doing? (nervous)
JK: i can't wear the same clothes After freshing up (smirk)
Y/N: O-oh wait a minute (pulled away from him and ran outside)
JK: (chuckle)


Y/N came back with a large t-shirt and sweat pants

Y/N: Here (handed him the clothes)
JK: from where did you got this clothes? (raised eyebrow)
Kai: i gave her mine clothes (he said While entering in Jungkook's room)
JK: i want other clothes (cold)
Y/N: (sigh) do and wear whatever you want (she throw the clothes on his bed and left from there while being followed by Kai)

JK: (being frustated he brush his fingers in his hair After giving up he thought of wearing Kai's clothes)


Y/N came down After changing her clothes and noticed Somi getting bored, Kai was on his phone and JK on his laptop


Y/N: Hey guys

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Y/N: Hey guys

As She said It everyone attention went on her as She started walking towards the couch and sat on It between Jungkook and Kai

Y/N: I'm hungry (cute pout)
JK: cute (mumble)
Y/N: Yah
Kai: what?
Y/N: I Just said in hungry
Kai: i'm not you're Cook beside i don't have Energy
Y/N: (scoff) you know i don't know how to Cook, if you want to die eating my lunch then no problem (She was about to get up but Kai eyes grew Wide and quickly grab by her wrist pulling her back to her seat)
Kai: (akward smile) you know, i'm still single i don't want to die yet
Y/N: (Eye rolled) such a dramatic ass
JK: i can cook
Y/N: You also Cook?!
JK: (nodded)


The dinner was made by Jungkook and Kai and after dinner everyone went to their rooms as they were very tired


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