Wet dream

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Jungkook looking at me with his dark eyes smashed his lips on mine. Grabbing my thigh and swung It over his waist so that i was straddling him. He cupped my cheeks and entered his tounge into my mouth. Our tounges fighting for domination then he threw me on the bed without wasting time he hovered over me and start kissing my neck leaving purple marks behind. Removing my pajama top he started kissing me cleavage area. He licked and sucked. Soft moans escaped my mouth. Then he removed my shorts and kissed my underwear lining. He quickly slipped them off. He looked at me before attaching his lips to my core.

Y/N: J-Jun..gko..ok (i stuttered as i took a fist full of his hair into my hands)

He trusted his tounge into me, a strong of moans slipped put of my lips. I arched my back at the unfamiliar pleasure. I flipped him over so now i was on top. I kissed him softly, trailing soft pecks down his neck to his abs. I then removed his sweats and underwear.

JK: no... Y/N you...don't h-have to....ahhh...shit (he moaned loudly)

I took his huge member into my mouth. I slowly moved, While sucking. He leaned his head back in pleasure, he pushed down my head down with his strong arm, causing me to lightly gag. I bobbed my head up and down-


Author: yes It was a dream more like a wet dream 🌚

Y/N immediately woke up by the sound of the alarm clock Who was showing her the time, 6 a.m. She sit straight with widen eyes and a shocked expressions on her face thinking about the wet dream She Just had about Jungkook...

Y/N: ............... AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH (She screamed as She realized She Just had a not so holy dream and too about Jungkook)

Hearing her screaming Somi, Kai and Jungkook immediately barged in her room obviously without knocking

Kai: WHAT HAP- (he stopped on his words as he realized what Y/N was wearing)
JK: (eyes widen)

Y/N's night wear

Y/N: (frown as Kai suddenly stopped and was looking at her body She then looks down and

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Y/N: (frown as Kai suddenly stopped and was looking at her body She then looks down and...) AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

Kai and Jungkook immediately closed their eyes and turned around and Somi Just widen her eyes. Y/N then covers herself with the blanket

Y/N: ....... y-you guys.. can t-turn around (She said After making sure She's covered with the soft blanket)

Jungkook and Kai turned around

Kai: (nervous smile)
Jungkook: (gulped rembebering Y/N's hot figure)
Somi: (fake cough) you guys go out i Will talk to her

Jungkook + Kai: (immedialtly nodded and were going towards the bathroom Door)

Y/N: (frown) where are you guys going?
Kai: out?
Y/N: That's the bathroom (done face)
Jungkook: (mentally face Palm himself After feeling his cheek getting red then ran out While being followed by Kai)

Somi: (turned towards Y/N) what happend? Why did you screamed? (worried)
Y/N: (getting flashbacks) (eyes widen in embarrassment)
Somi: you sure you okay? (coming towards her and touch her forehead with her Palm After noticing Y/N's getting Red as a tomato)

Y/N: Y-Yes (nervous) (in mind: how the hell i Will face Jungkook now) (mentally fake crying)







Guess how old am i going to turn?

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