An old Enemy

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They all were laughing and enjoying their time together when suddendly some alarm sound was being Heard

Y/N: What the-

She cutted herself off After spotting Somi near a computer and her fingers on the keyboard that know seem Frozen

JK: what's the matter?!
Suga: (looking around) your dear sister Is messing around

Suga tried his best to not to yell at Somi

Kai: omg
Y/N: get the fuck out

She said to Kai as he was standing exctaly behind Somi, Kai moved out and let Y/N go near Somi

Somi: Y-Y/N?

Her voice was broken and scared knowing perfectly her Brother's anger issues

Y/N: Don't worry Somi (Pat her shoulder and then hugged her)
Somi: (feeling relaxed a bit)

Y/N: (glare at Suga) Just wait and Watch

Suga started to type and trying to solve the problem along with other BTS members


After some time

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After some time


There was no alarm sound now

Suga: (shocked + eyes widen)

Suga was shocked and he turn his head towards his computer screen as soon as possible to see his screen turning from this

Suga was shocked and he turn his head towards his computer screen as soon as possible to see his screen turning from this

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To this

To this

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